Final exams are cancelled

<p>Spoke to housing today (directly). most of the power on campus has been restored, water is safe on campus as well. You can continue to access the dorms as long as you have your ACT Card. The dorms will remain open next week so students can continue to move out.</p>

<p>I will be down on campus on Wednesday, (driving down on Tuesday) if any student needs help, just PM me.</p>

<p>How are kids supposed to do check out since RAs might not be here now.</p>

<p>email said they’d do an express checkout and if you couldn’t get a hold of your RA then clean out your room and turn in your key to any housing rep at the dorm.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South is advertising an “Express Checkout” where students clean out their rooms and shared spaces, lock their doors, and hand in their keys to the front desk. I’ve been told by the RAs in my building (Ridgecrest West) that all students are allowed to check out this way 24/7 until 10am on Saturday, May 7th.</p>

<p>We cleared out son’s room today, packed up his belongings, and he dropped off his key at Riverside Community Center today. We are back home in Louisiana and do not intend to return to campus.</p>

<p>^^^This year. Sorry that some were confused. </p>


<p>we are home now after collecting our daughter. we drove all night so we would arrive and have time to work while it was light out. we arrived at 5:30 am, packed up, did a few things, and left at 4pm. drive straight home, which ended up being maybe a bad decision. we were both really too tired to drive. : /</p>

<p>but we made it.</p>

<p>^^^Mike, glad to hear you made it home.</p>

<p>good to start hearing of everyone getting home!
and Monte - thanks for clearing that up, I was gonna have to fly down to N.O. for an intervention :)</p>

<p>^^^You’re sweet, AL. Was just trying to write a short note. Didn’t realize it would be misinterpreted.</p>

<p>I know many kids vacated and were intending to go back for their belongings. We did it all in one day.</p>

<p>Thank you all for letting us know when you get back. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of your kids, and those I haven’t, I still feel a connection to. </p>

<p>Give them all a big hug for me when you get them safe home!</p>

<p><a href=“,%202011.pdf[/url]”>,%202011.pdf&lt;/a&gt; Memo from UA concerning end of semester exams and papers.</p>

<p>Thank you for this info., Crimson217. Son received an email from several professors regarding the students’ final grades and deferred final exam but this memo clarifies many things for him.</p>

<p>HUMMMMM… This makes it look like my son may have to take the exam while in China…</p>

<p>This is from Arts & Sciences, wonder if it will be similar for Engineering.</p>

<p>I don’t know about anyone else but lil bro actually made out pretty well by missing finals. Looks like
(2) A’s
(1) A-
(1) B
(1) Pass</p>

<p>He’d need a 90 on his MA 121 final to make a B+ and decided it wasn’t worth the risk.</p>

<p>NJBama - I’m sure it would’ve been the same results either way. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Older son is happy because one of his math classes had an assignment due this week and it was cancelled due to A&S policy (since it wasn’t considered to be a “major assignment” even tho it was going to take a good amount of time).</p>

<p>Many profs already have grades up! :)</p>

<p>I’d like to think so socal but I’m not so sure :-)</p>

<p>I know that many of you listened to me whine about the tough first semester D had with all the sciences and the Calc class…she made up for it this semester…5 A’s…(4 of them a pluses). Obviously she opted NOT to take any finals but we think they would have stayed close to the same…although maybe not the best scenario for some it worked out ok in this house!</p>

<p>That’s great! Congrats to your daughter. If my lil bro ever brought home grades like that I’d think I’d have a stroke from the excitement :-). </p>

<p>The first semester is always the toughest with the transition to college and especially the time demands that pledging requires.</p>