Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2024

@MommaCat SO thrilled for your daughter and her way experiencing growth through life. That’s fantastic!! She will soar I’'m sure!

@BoogieMa you’re outed! haha! So so happy for you and your girl! Now you are going to have to explain your name to me…

@BoogieMa What a journey. Just reading that makes me hope to see your D perform some day. Congrats!

@csuram1994 That is a fabulous account of the ups and downs of all of this. Congrats to your D and to your family!

@bfamt424 Amazing story! I think our children must already be connected. Look forward to seeing them on stage together. :smiley:

Programs Applied (with audition dates) to: Belmont 10/19, Michigan 1/20, Carnegie Melon 1/20, FSU, 2/20, University of Cincinnati CCM 1/20, Ithaca 1/20, Elon 3/20, Oklahoma City University

Prescreens: Received yes from all - Michigan, Carnegie Melon, University of Cincinnati CCM, FSU, Elon, Ithaca. We were notified within a week from CCM and CM.

Accepted to: Belmont, CCM, FSU, Elon

Withdrew: OCU

Rejected from: Michigan, Carnegie Melon

Wait-listed at: Ithaca

Coach: none

Summer Programs: none

Background: DS started walking at 9 months and I should have known. He has always been one great on his feet and played competitive soccer in elementary. Older sister started MT children’s theatre because she wanted to be a singer and I figured MT would help with her stage presence. While she was in a show, we decided to throw DS into too so we could have some “date nights” while the kids were at practice. He was cute as a button, followed directions and behaved well, but as an introvert, his stage presence… well … this was just for fun, right? Then, one of the kid’s shows was a musical cabaret with Michael Jackson’s music. We went to the show like any other audience member and we didn’t know he had a solo… WOWZERS. Our jaws dropped. We had no idea he could sing. In the show, there were teen boys who were hip-hoppers and he just LOVED it and found it was “cool” for guys to dance. He gave up competitive soccer for dance right then and there. As a parent (and one who came from a sports background) and non-dancer, I started studying MT and dancing. We negotiated with him to take ballet since it’s the basis of all dances and he agreed. Once the local dance company learned of his natural gifts, they put him in every dance they taught.

During this time, he started doing more MT shows within the children’s theatre community discovered he liked to play off the audiences from their responses. He got the bug big-time! He then started competitively dancing. performing in MT simultaneously. There were many busy years/schedules. About 7th grade he had to drop dance because he preferred MT (it was hard to choose) and the dance competitive weekends were the same as MT performances.

We then got a vocal teacher who was a belter and added in some piano. During this, he was performing in professional, community and school shows from ensembles to lead roles. He picked up the piano well (not sight-reading, he prefers by ear) and has added an ukele and some guitar. He started to really understand music, enjoyed it, would play around on the keys.

Two of his biggest turning points were his role as Billy Elliot for the US regional production. This required him to practice dance 2-3 hours minimum daily with a fabulous NYC BETM choreographer. He learned organization, grit, perseverance, professionalism and more as a child. He discovered he missed dance immensely. BUT, we couldn’t afford vocal, dance, piano… nor, did we have the time with school too. Academics are extremely important to our family as well.

His other turning point was his musical training during high school. We changed voice teachers (classical), the choir and training at the school, and he joined a nationally-renowned a cappella group (tenor and vocal percussion) He has worked his bootie off to make it all work and not lose your mind. MT families understand the rigors of schedules. These last 3-4 years, he learned to not over-schedule, focus on academics and relationships. He loves the theatre community and their support. He likes to help people. He is very humble, doesn’t like to be the spotlight, but appreciates those who are focused and performs not for themselves, but for the enjoyment of others. #audienceofone Col 3:17

We prayed as a family where and this has been a growth for him and listen to his heart, think with his head and feel God’s lead. Lots of doors opened. Doors closed. It was an extremely hard decision. Weighing every and any aspect we could think of. So many great friendships were made through the acceptances and turning away schools, faculty and new friends was HARDDDDDDD! With the virus and not being able to visit schools, it put us in a pickle. Thanks to the theatre community for answering questions, sending photos, uploading videos. It helped immensely. I don’t think we could have done it without you all. That’s why we love the theatre family. Families support, cry, fight, but… families love. So thank you for being a part of our family. <3 Even those we said no to, it was just a no now. We still love you, support you and appreciate you.

Final Decision: University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM). Go BEARCATS!!!

Congrats @bfamt424 , @7Heartsong3 , and @BoogieMa-(what a great plot twist!)

@bfamt424 - your opening statement perfectly illiterates how so many of us are feeling right now. Thank you so much for sharing that.

@chenggang! Congrats to your S! Families love :heart:

Congratulations to your S @chenggang - he had some great choices and I’m so glad he decided on such a great fit school, I’m sure he’s going to rock his time at CCM!

Congratulations @chenggang! What a great journey for him. Best of luck to your S at CCM!

Congrats @chenggang great outcome!

Wow, so many stories I don’t know where to begin! Twists and turns, tampon-dispenser-injured toes, last minute dream schools - this afternoon’s reading has been entertaining and joy-filled as heck! Congrats @BoogieMa , @chenggang , @bfamt424 and anyone else I may have missed! Thank you for your stories!

Congratulations @chenggang, to you and your son!

Okay, here is our final decision summary. First off, I want to thank everyone on this board for being so supportive and kind throughout this process. My D and I feel like we’ve really found a community here. Since my D only discovered her passion for theater / acting / MT less than 2 years ago, we knew she’d have to catch up quickly, be relentlessly committed, and spread a VERY wide net.

Coach: Dr. Susan Carter (voice only)

Summer Programs: Carnegie Mellon MT, 2019

I think we may have set the record for most MT / Acting schools applied to:

Applied: 54 Programs
Carnegie Mellon, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Boco, BU, NYU, Pace, Royal Welsh College of Drama, TCU, SMU, Baylor, Molloy/Cap21, Miami, Elon, UNCSA, Illinois Wesleyan, Point Park, Wright State, Emerson, Hartt, Webster, Arizona, FSU, LIU Post, Texas State, Shenandoah, SCAD, Marymount Manhattan, Nebraska Wesleyan, Oklahoma, SMU, Northern Colorado, UT Austin, UArts, Coastal Carolina, Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, Manhattanville, WVU, Western Michigan, San Diego State, West Texas A&M, Stephen F Austin, AMDA, Wyoming, Western Carolina, Eastern Carolina, Texas Tech, Abilene Christian, Austin Peay, Incarnate Word, Penn State, Millikin, Tulane

Passed Pre-Screen: 20
Carnegie Mellon, Boco, Pace, Royal Welsh College of Drama, TCU, Baylor, Miami, Point Park, Emerson, FSU, LIU Post, Shenandoah, Oklahoma, Northern Colorado, UT Austin, Alabama, Auburn, Western Carolina, Eastern Carolina, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Direct Audition (No Prescreen): 22
BU, NYU, SMU, Baylor, Molloy/Cap21, UNCSA, Marymount Manhattan, Webster, Arizona, SCAD, Nebraska Wesleyan, UT Austin, UArts, Ole Miss, Manhattanville, WVU, West Texas A&M, Stephen F Austin, AMDA, Wyoming, Austin Peay, Incarnate Word

Waitlisted: 3
Boco MT (then denied), Western Carolina (Acting, then accepted), Northern Colorado (MT, then denied). Several BA Redirects (e.g. Penn State, Milliken, Marymount Manhattan, etc.)

Accepted: 13
Point Park (BFA Theatre Arts redirect), LIU Post (MT), SCAD (BFA Theatre Performance), West Texas A&M (MT), Stephen F Austin (BFA Acting & Directing), AMDA (MT), Wyoming (MT), Eastern Carolina (Acting), Austin Peay, Incarnate Word (MT), WCU (Acting), Manhattanville (MT), WVU (MT)


Abilene Christian, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Weird Development:

My D’s original first choice school was the Contemporary Theater program at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. But, then we learned that the head of the department had recently been suspended for ‘bullying’ and damaging student ‘mental health’ after a petition signed by ~600 students. Even read a story about how one kid was ‘shamed’ for having MS, and that the department head ‘didn’t believe he really had it.’ Okay, NOT sending my 18-year old D thousands of miles away to a place where THAT is going on.

Final Choice:

Point Park (BFA Theatre Arts). Just a perfect fit. My D prefers MT ‘right now,’ but she also knows that she changes often, going from performance to writing to directing, etc… She also sees that majority of performers get more jobs when they know multiple aspects of theater. Instead of (just) having to wait tables between shows, she’d be more likely to take another role on a production. So, the PPU program that focuses heavily on performance, but also teaches other areas, fits like a glove, plus she may be able to minor in MT! Also, since my D spent most of last summer at the CMU program, she already knows downtown Pittsburgh very well, which is a great bonus. Especially now given no opportunity to visit. It’s the best choice, and I’m glad it already feels like home. @Jasklo – see you in Pittsburgh when you drop your D off at CMU. Let’s get beers.

Biggest Surprise in Process:

My D has spent years as an animator / film maker before focusing on performance. For her pre-screen ‘Wild Card’ submission, she sent in a snippet from a short film she had made. We were really surprised how many of the schools (both those who passed on her as well as those who accepted her) asked her directly, “are you sure you don’t want to apply to our film program?” She even had the department head at a Top ~5ish MT program (without a film school) offer to recommend her to USC’s film school where he had contacts. My D passed on it, but just thought that was really cool.

@StanfordAI2019 Bravo to your D! I know there were rejections along the way, but she also landed many acceptances in the end. It seems like the program at Point Park is an excellent fit. Your D is wise to diversify her skill set!

I have never known anyone who applied to as many colleges as your daughter…54! How in the world did she write all those essays? Wow!

Yay for the happy ending!

Congratulations @StanfordAI2019 ! I’m sure that is going to be a wonderful program for your multitalented D!

Wow @StanfordAI2019 did you hear my gasp from CA at the number of apps! I think we did 30 (I stopped counting), and didn’t think I could be surprised!

Congrats to your D! Sounds like she has many many talents and the program will be a great fit. My D is also creative/artistic all around and it does give me confidence she will find a way to stay employed and contribute meaningfully in many ways.

Congratulations @StanfordAI2019 ! What a great story and I do think you might have a record! Very cool about the offer to connect her to USC. Best of luck to your D at PP!

Congrats @StanfordAI2019 ! I love reading all these final decision stories!

@chenggang Congrats to you and your S! Love his focus on following God’s path! Glad he found the light unto his path. Last year we definitely felt God’s hand guiding my D throughout the process. Thanks for sharing your story.

@StanfordAI2019 Wowza that is a lot of applications! Congrats to your D on finding her path. And sounds like she has filmmaking to fall back on! Thanks for all of your humor. Glad your journey is over and it is on to the next chapter!