Final Stand in the Schoolhouse Door live feed

<p>I hope the lack of participation was time related. Although DD doesn’t have class at 7:15 am she is not typically an early riser. Even though the turnout did not look great change often starts with a few. I applaud those who turned out to show their support.</p>

<p>I’m a prospective student, and seeing the protest helped me regain a lot of my faith in the University.</p>

<p>I just think it’s naive to expect the greeks to attend an anti-discrimination rally organized by a bunch of GDI’s who have no involvement with the greek system other than hating it.</p>

<p>This thing is not going to be accomplished with marches. It’s going to be accomplishd with behind-the-scenes arm twisting. Today’s protest may have done more harm than good in bringing the greeks into the tent. They don’t like the Mallett folks, and I’m sure they viewed the whole circus as anti-greek.</p>

<p>The “circus” of a political rally trying to stop racist practices? That’s like saying that segregation would have ended had we simply allowed schools to “twist arms” behind the scenes. I support these students for making more noise about this problem.</p>

<p>Slippy do you feel the greeks need an invite “into the tent” and are not capable of finding their own way? I don’t understand why you feel this must be accomplished behind the scenes like people should be ashamed to stand up for what is right.</p>

<p>Well here’s hoping that the students can remember the story of the Star-Bellied Sneeches and stop with the us against them mentality that’s led to the current situation. They’ve been doing a really good job so far without us adults intervening. Seems some of them were actually listening when we were teaching them right from wrong! :)</p>

<p>I just want to be clear on one point. The organizing group, “Concerned Students & Faculty”, is a group made up of students and faculty from all walks of life. This is not a GDI or Mallett exclusive group.</p>

<p>Dang, y’all are misunderstanding me. I am vehemently against this discrimination, as I think you all know by now. I am just very cynical about the motivations of certain groups of people. </p>

<p>Part of this “story” was that the sorority girls wanted to do the right thing by extending a bid to one or more AA students. Another part of the “story” is that Dr. Bonner met with the sororities and mapped out the COB solution, and that the sororities are complying. That is a good start. They are hopefully going to respond and do the right thing because they know it’s the right thing to do… not because a bunch of people who are (a) outside their groups, (b) have no interest in being in their groups, and (c) have been historically hostile to their groups decide to have a march.</p>

<p>I absolutely question the composition of the organizing group. Sorry. Sue me. I think I’m right. And I think all today’s CIRCUS accomplished was to make the other side close ranks and circle the wagons.</p>

<p>Are you referring to the Mallet group? I’ve had some interaction with Mallet kids, so I know a little bit about them.</p>

<p>I brought up frats with a Mallet girl and she told me how she and her friends cleaned up and took care of a drunk freshman sorority girl after a car full of frat guys kicked her to the curb. She told me the name of the frat, which I can’t recall.</p>

<p>Does the Mallet group like the greek system? I suspect probably not. But in this case, it didn’t stop them from doing the right thing</p>

<p>jrcsmom - i have been thinking of the sneetches for days!</p>

<p>Riprorin, I also know of that sad situation and doing “the right thing” does not involve any type of discriminate.</p>