<p>general_li: I have no idea what the acceptance rate for the engineering department is... I only know that some of the percentages can be incorrect because of CGS. Did u check BU's website?</p>
<p>You have plenty of time, since ur gonna be up all night! :)</p>
<p>Another college I applied to did release decisions at midnight. If I understand this correctly, no one actually has to press a button. The decision release is prearranged, but who knows.</p>
<p>well, we shall wait and see...</p>
<p>25 minutes until midnight....</p>
<p>This would be a lot easier if it were a real-time chat, but I guess forums will do</p>
<p>im really hoping its on at 12</p>
<p>blah this is getting crazyyy</p>
<p>part of me wishes it was posted @ midnight but part of me doesnt because if i dont get in then my day is already gonna start out crappy haha..ughhh im gonna go take a shower to get my mind off of this and hopefully come back after 12 to see if it was posted or not!</p>
<p>I have some scholarship essays to write and a physics test on circuits to study for so that should keep me occupied and my mind off of things at least for another hour or two.</p>
<p>i want 12! NOW!</p>
<p>Lol, I haven't feel this kinda intensity toward midnight since the new year...</p>
<p>Anybody use Yahoo Messanger?</p>
<p>ya its bulgie45440
my aim is bulgie28 if anyone feels so inclined...</p>
<p>i used to, but no one where i live uses it. here, it's all about AIM. which, btw, you kids can feel free to message me if needs be...i have a lovely ap econ take-home test and some poetry analysis and plenty of other work to keep me up tonight.</p>
<p>almost midnight. bu is my second choice. im so nervous...but there's no way im pulling an all nighter. there's still school in the morning. bah this college stuff is like taking over my life. its all i think about any more haha.</p>
<p>I can probably go until 2 maybe 3, but I'm looking at least a 14 hour day at school tomorrow so I do need some sleep. I did take a nap earlier this evining so it won't be as bad.</p>
<p>Another questions: Anyone know if the SMEDs are notified with the online decisions on Monday as well (with the undergraduate)? Sorry for all the damn questions, its a hassle; but much appreciated.</p>
<p>I AM SO NERVOUS. colleges are giving me a mental breakdown.</p>
<p>I wish it will be at 12, but it def wont be....there not gonna have people posting scores in middle of night, but I hope it is, BU Represent!!</p>
<p>id love it if it was at 12, but with my luck its probably at like 5</p>
<p>11 more min... til 12</p>
<p>waitlisted at BC.......i need BU , I NEED IT.....lol ehhh</p>