So everyone who's up waiting for it to be monday

<p>What’s up? let’s do something to help pass the time. i know im anxious…how about all of you? where’d everyone else apply? what school did u apply to at bu?</p>

<p>AAAAA im gonna wait till 12 and then go to bed; I got into pepperdine yesterday and am contemplating just going to Malibu where it's warm and the girls are hot</p>

<p>lol nice skatedc
I applied to Wright State, Cincinnati, Purdue, Boston, Case, and Duke... all biomedical engineering. Ive been accepted at the first three, waitlisted at Case, and havent heard back from Duke or Boston.</p>

<p>ooo congrats on that! haha that doesnt sound like such a bad idea...nice and warm sounds good. MA can get pretty brutal. are u from around new england?</p>

<p>Dirty Jersey baby</p>

<p>yeah, i'm from MA too, Turklemuffin...and yes, new england weather does indeed suck..atleast during the winter..ok and the fall & spring too for the most part haha, not gonna lie</p>

<p>I'm sure this has been answered somewhere before, but does anyone have the link where you can check for rejection/admission?</p>


<p>Here ya go: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>



<p>La-la-la love you! Haha, thanks so much.</p>

<p>No problem... It's only a little after 10:00 here in Cali, and I'm wide awake and happy to help!</p>

<p>Darn that credentials page. I guess I probably shouldn't wait up 4 hours..</p>

<p>where did u hear that they would be online midnight tonight? its not up...</p>

<p>Just by word of mouth... We were all hoping, but tomorrow afternoon seems much more reasonable.</p>

<p>5 am seems pretty arbitrary.</p>

<p>whats up, yea im planning on staying up all night anyway, so I'm hoping for 5 am</p>

<p>i've been waitlistedd from bc & hamilton so far, so i really need an acceptance</p>

<p>Ah, good luck President.</p>

<p>i have a sick feeling that there gonna post it at like 2 in the afternoon or something...i feel like this is the night before the sat scores come out all over again haha</p>

<p>lol ya... which was a terrible night/morning/next day
lets not talk about it lol</p>

<p>is there anyway we could get a chatroom going or something for everyone staying up all night...i need something to keep me up</p>