<p>I'm an ED II applicant and I was looking on the financial aid section of the portal and my award is already listed. Does anyone else have this?</p>
<p>it just lists a pell grant for me but nothing else? which kind of worries me but yeah i have that too</p>
<p>i lied! i just checked and got so much finaid!!! im the happiest person ever right nowwww</p>
<p>Yeah mine was pretty good too.
I’m just hoping they did this for just accepted…cause that would be evil if they posted aid for everyone lol</p>
<p>haha i highly doubt theyd do that what a tease im pretty sure it means we’re accepted =]</p>
<p>all mine says is "College selection should be based on educational growth opportunities. Financial aid is designed to make college affordable for families unable to meet its costs. Lehigh University is committed to providing need-based financial aid. Financial aid packages are typically made up of a combination of scholarships, need-based grants, loans, and work study programs. More than half of all incoming first-year students receive financial aid awards.</p>
<p>To learn more visit <a href="http://www3.lehigh.edu/admissions/adtuition.asp">http://www3.lehigh.edu/admissions/adtuition.asp</a>"</p>
<p>that means I didn’t get any right?</p>
<p>no you’re looking in the wrong spot… you have to go to admitted - finaid then click the link and itll tell you your award</p>
<p>I don’t see an admitted button…?I only see a few box when I log in. A “Dean’s Message”, a “Personal Announcements”, a “Checklist”, a “Application Decision” (this is where it says I’m admitted), and a “Financial Aid”. And that’s it there is no admitted box or button. Can someone send me a screen shot or guide me through TY.</p>
<p>roll your mouse over the tv at the top left corner of the screen</p>
<p>ok i’ve found the link but now it says “page not enabled”
grrrr what the heck!!!</p>