Financial Aid Deadline

<p>Is the Jan 15 deadline for the FAFSA and CSS profile really due on Jan 15?!??!?! ALL THE FORMS HAVE TO BE FILLED OUT!?</p>

<p>Colgate is need-aware, not need blind. So they want your financial aid and application at the same time.</p>

<p>fyi – only the Profile is due Jan 15. You can used estimated numbers for the Profile. Fafsa is not due until much later.</p>

<p>[Colgate:</a> Deadlines](<a href=“]Colgate:”></p>

<p>Early bird gets the worm when it comes to financial aid as it concerns grants. Not sure how colgate’s financial aid works, but the closer to Jan 1 you can get your final numbers in the better it is. FAFSA, as I recall, doesn’t allow you to file before Jan 1, but certainly most people can make a pretty solid assessment of what they anticipate the numbers to be and you can file on those numbers (and correct when you actually have final numbers). While sometimes adjustments are made, usually they are pretty much spot on.</p>

<p>The only issue would be if the family income wildly fluxes year to year.</p>