Financial aid/scholarships that cover room and board expenses

<p>Are there other scholarships that can be stacked with the Presidential scholarship to cover room and board? Are scholarship winners precluded from getting financial aid that covers room and board?</p>

<p>My son has been applying to a number of local scholarships to try to get money to cover some of the room and board expenses. We do not qualify for need based aid through UA, so others will need to answer that for you. And since out of state, he does not qualify for many other scholarships! My understanding is that outside scholarships can be stacked.</p>


<p>What is your situation? Do you know what your FAFSA EFC is?</p>

<p>Keep in mind that scholarships first get applied to “need”.</p>

<p>Yes, you can apply any other scholarships that you get towards other costs.</p>

<p>Scholarships may be stacked as stated above but you may run into a hurdle with some of the scholarships because of receiving the Presidential scholarship. While my daughter received some additional private scholarships and an alumni chapter scholarship, one of the first things many scholarships ask is about other scholarships you have been awarded. Don’t get me wrong, we are thankful for the Presidential, but it did knock her out of some others.</p>


<p>That’s a bummer. That gives a bit of an advantage to those who’ve applied to other schools who just haven’t told their “winners” yet about their awards…after all, many schools don’t award merit until April.</p>

<p>That’s really kind of an unfair question…those groups may end up awarding their merit to a student who is later going to be given an even bigger scholarship from their school.</p>

<p>That’s right. With some of the scholarship awards you could actually end up with more money if you didn’t receive the Presidential. We’re all good though. I’ll take a bird in the hand anyway since the others were not assured scholarships.</p>

<p>On that topic (because we are not quite sure how to answer this), my son is filling out an app for a local scholarship that asks what other scholarships he has received. It doesn’t ask anywhere which school he has decided to attend (and many kids will not have decided by Mar 1 - which is when the app is due). Should S list all the scholarships from all the schools or just the scholarship from UA? </p>

<p>Also - the only ‘official’ notification of scholarship has come from the UA Honor Band. S knows he qualifies for the Presidential and Engg scholarship but I don’t think we actually have official notification…do we (does the letter we received count or is there something else coming in March)?</p>

<p>You should have received notification from the UA that his scores qualify for the scholarship, but you will receive something official to respond and accept later, probably March.</p>

you make a good point…officially, no one yet has been awarded Bama’s scholarships. And, of course…what if the student hasn’t made a final choice about which school he/she will be attending? If a student isn’t sure where he’ll be attending…or is leaning a bit towards a non-scholarship school…it would seem that he wouldn’t list the Bama scholarship.</p>

<p>My son is filling those out too. He is putting down “pending” at this point. As wdaveo says, the official letter of award has not been sent yet by UA, and most others that have not chosen a school do not have their scholarship info yet.</p>

<p>If he does get a local one that he is officially notified of prior to send one of those in, he will put that down. But I am not going to have him put any school one down.</p>

Our D2 is currently a high school Junior. But next year when she does apply to colleges D1 will be applying to medical school. So I was wondering how we would pay for both the daughters. We did not qualify for financial aid when D1 applied to college. Fortunately she ended up getting a full ride to a private school.</p>

<p>Ah…I understand. I have a son applying to med schools this summer. </p>

<p>Is D1 a current junior in college?</p>

<p>Med school is very expensive…will she be taking out any loans? few parents pay for med school…students usually borrow most/all.</p>

<p>As for D2…What are her stats so far? Bama does give more money for really high stats…so she may want to retest.</p>

<p>What is D2’s likely major? The College of Engineering gives more scholarship money to those students.</p>

<p>How did D2 do on the PSAT?</p>

<p>Bama does allow for stacking of scholarships.</p>

<p>Just wondering what type of loans grad students can take out to pay for med school?
And will they be able to take out loans if you don’t file the FAFSA for undergrad years?</p>

<p>There are med school loans…federal ones and private ones. FAFSA for undergrad doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>I wonder what kind of loans they have for pharmacy students? My oldest is a 1st year pharmacy student in a 6 year pharmD program. Thanks to D2’s awesome scholarship at UA we might not have to take out any loans for #1s tuition- at least for the first 4 years. Years 5 and 6 are a different story and the undergrad scholarship ends after year 4. We will have 4 children in college for that 5th and 6th year. One year at a time!</p>

<p>[FinAid</a> | Loans | Student Loans](<a href=“Your Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaid”>Student Loans - Finaid)</p>

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