Financial Aid

<p>As a New York resident, I just have to vent how disgusted I am by the financial letter I received in the mail today. I thought I had a shot at one of their $1,000 scholarships and a small chance at the honor's school (1350 SAT, top 4% of class). Apparently, I did not receive either, but I was not completely surprised.</p>

<p>So that leaves a little over $7600 in financial need that my family has. All but $500 of that amount was covered by loans. And that $500 was from TAP, not even Geneseo. I did not receive a single penny in the form of a grant. That leaves my total bill at about $15,000 a year, plus the interest on the student loans (of which, I will have about $30,000 of). It is quite possible that I will get better financial letters from the $40,000 private colleges I applied to (In fact, I already have from one).</p>

<p>To be a state university, an institution that is supposed to be made intentionally affordable for that state's residents, particularly in the lower and middle classes, and offer literally nothing in financial aid, is disgraceful. I'm also glad to see that George Pataki's tuition hike is not even included in this figure.</p>

<p>I sincerely hope they gave all of their aid to students with 1500+ SAT who have about a 1% chance of attending Geneseo. Those students will not attend Geneseo, and students like me, who previously had thought about attending, will almost certainly not attend now.</p>

<p>Slight correction: 1500/year was given to me in work-study.</p>

<p>Yup, they don't give Merit scholarships, because frankly they don't have the cash to. Good ol' Pataki and his never-raising-taxes idea, instead the people who actually need the money don't get it.</p>

<p>Even flaming liberals like Pataki can't get it straight. Spitzer in '06!</p>

<p>I think they actually do give <em>some</em> merit scholarships - I think you need a 1400+ SAT to have a good shot at them. If you get in the honor school, I think you also get $3,000/year.</p>

<p>After looking on their website, it looks as if they don't give any need-based grants. Simply unbelievable.</p>

<p>I also second your statement - out with anti-education Pataki and in with Spitzer. Thankfully, it looks like Spitzer's gonna win by a landslide.</p>

<p>McCall would have been a better governor than Pataki, but the Pataki attack-and-smear machine was too well-funded by the Republican Party. McCall barely had time to take a breath.</p>

<p>They said they'd give me ~$1,000 in loans.</p>

<p>It turns out that, so far, it'll actually be cheaper to go to one of the private schools that I got into. That's really sad...</p>