Financial status flagged by the government?


I just heard from one of the colleges that I got accepted to that my financial aid application has been flagged because of some reason. I don’t know what the reason is or what mistake I made. Should I be worried about this? What is the worst thing that could happen?

You need to know the reason it was flagged. Usually it’s because there is some inconsistency between the info on the form, and the info imported using the IRS data retrieval tool. It could be number in family. It could be marital status/tax filing status. Call financial aid tomorrow and ask them…and check your student portal.

Do you know if your financial aid application is consistent with your parent’s tax forms? Do you know of any errors in your financial aid application?

Do you have permanent resident status?

It’s pretty common, up to one in three FAFSAs can be flagged for verification. Find out what documents are being requested (usually tax transcripts or certificates of nonfiling from the IRS) and get them sent to the office requesting them.

It does not mean that you made a mistake and it’s almost certainly nothing to worry about. I’m self-employed and my son gets flagged for verification every year. It’s no big deal.

Just don’t ignore it. Respond with the requested information as quickly as possible.

My sister was flagged last year and her and I were both flagged this year. My mom blames the hypen in her last name and I’m just going with it.

Thank you for all the suggestions. Unfortunately, my FAFSA was corrected. It was the school’s problem, not mine.

If your FAFSA was corrected by a school…it COULD still be your problem.

  1. You need to check to see that the correction is accurate.
  2. Correction MUST be made by the financial aid folks if there is some discrepancy or error found.

@thumper1 , Thank you so much! I will check.