Finch Hall

Is Finch Hall as bad as everyone says? I have heard of several students who chose not to do Honors because they would be required to live in Finch for 2 years. I know HPU has received awards for their beautiful dorms so I guess I am wondering why the Honors students would be housed in a dorm with so many negative reviews. Anyone have a student in Finch?

My D is waiting to hear if she was accepted into the honors program(by March 7th). Can you elaborate on your concerns or what the reviews said. Maybe even a link or a website so i could read them.

The comments are on the HPU parent page. I am just trying to find some more information before a decision has to be made.

I went to HPU before transferring. Finch Hall is definitely the bottom tier dorm on campus in terms of niceness, but every freshman guy I knew who lived there had a good time and made friends with the people on their floor. It is still nicer than your typical state school dorms - by far -, but isn’t known for smelling great (again, freshman guys…) or having the best wifi. I would encourage you to do more research on the school and try to see past the glamorous exterior. If you have any questions I’m happy to answer!