Find Your Passion: Air Theatrics: Student Excels in Aerospace, Theater

<p>Saw this on my Facebook newsfeed and had to share since it’s ‘one of our own’ :):</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>What an amazing young man. Kudos to him (and his sweet mama)!</p>

<p>Very timely. Forwarding info, below:</p>

<p>“CDA has a show THIS Friday Nov 14 at 7:00 pm in the Ferguson Theater. We will be performing “All In the Timing” by David Ives. “Timing” is a collection of five funny, thoughtful, and overall entertaining plays, each with its own collection of themes, settings, and interesting characters. You will witness a man caught in another dimension! You will experience a simultaneous-minigolf-self-triple-date! You will see Leon Trotsky die a lot! And more! Tickets are only $5, so come on down and don’t forget to bring your friends! Hope to see you there!”</p>

<p>What a great story. Congrats to the whole family.</p>