Finding a CS internship/research opportunity (high school)?

Hello all!
I’m currently a high school sophomore (15 years old) who is looking for summer opportunities related to computer science, such as an internship (possibly at a startup company?) or a research opportunity at a local university (I’m in the Washington D.C. area). I’ve been perusing the UVA and VT computer science research programs but they all either specify undergraduates only or I couldn’t even comprehend what the research was supposed to entail. I want to try emailing professors and yes I’ve read, but I don’t understand how people manage to find 50 professors to email, when I’m struggling to find even one. Is there something I’m missing here?

I’ve taken foundations of computer science and am enrolled in AP computer science + data structures, which is probably woefully inadequate for an internship/research but I would really like to try! Can somebody help me out?

for companies, you really have to go to events like a hackathon and hand out resumes. They usually don’t hire high school students (they don’t even hire early undergrads!). But here is a pretty good research program you should check out:
It is pretty hard to get it and it is more computational biology than computer science. There aren’t a lot of high school research programs out there. I think there is one on IU and SDSC (San Diego Supercomputing Center). For most part, you will have to email professors to find opportunities.

Nice name