First Semester Blues

<p>Yes, I’ve heard mixed things about the Greek scene (as at any school). Is there any emphasis by some on service, or is it predominantly social?</p>

<p>I think you will find big differences from one frat to another or one sorority to another. I think most people join for social reasons. In my son’s fraternity, it was mostly social. Big emphasis on fraternity rules, positions within the organization, social structure and parties/social events. There may be other organizations that focus more on service.</p>

Son pledged AePi. Think it’s a nice group of guys. </p>

<p>UM sticks to the no hazing rule.</p>

<p>From what I’ve read, a lot of activities are run by Greek Life. I think each frat/sorority has an organization to fundraise for. Sons frat is a Jewish fraternity and they sponser some activities along that line and with Hillel that are open to the entire campus. </p>

<p>The drinking rep that we expect from Greek life can probably be found, but is not a major part. I guess you have to do your research.</p>

<p>Greek Life at UM is mostly social, but every organization takes part in several service events throughout the year. And UM is SUPER strict about no hazing. It’s worse for fraternities (as far as I know), but as far as sororities go, there is absolutely no tolerance. Greeks drink and party no more than anyone else on campus. And fun fact, Greeks make up only 20% of the student body, but 85% of leadership positions on campus are held by Greeks.</p>

<p>Here is a link to the Greek Life booklet. My S had no intention of going Greek when he went to UM, but attended recruitment events with his roommate to keep him company. My S wound up having a wonderful 4 year Greek experience which led him to many other opportunities both local and national. We were nervous when he first indicated a desire to go Greek, but our worries were unfounded. He was so proud to be inducted into the Order of Omega his junior year. If your kids are interested in Greek Life, they should attend recruitment events and try to find a group of kids with whom they really click. Different fraternities/sororities have different feels and personalities and can change from year to year as the kids come and go. The basic philosophy stays the same, but each class of kids brings something new.</p>

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<p>Wonderful! You all have provided excellent input.</p>