First Week

<p>what should i expect to be doing the first week after i move in?</p>

<p>just curious if you folks have any tips/info about it </p>

<p>im in sellery if thats of any significance</p>

<p>Stay out of trouble - you don’t want to start out your college career with an underage drinking citation which becomes public record here: [Simple</a> Case Search](<a href=“Wisconsin Circuit Court Access”>Wisconsin Circuit Court Access)</p>

<p>Go to Welcome Week activities (First Night at the Overture, Convocation) [Student</a> Orientation, Advising, and Registration | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“SOAR – Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration – UW–Madison”>SOAR – Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>Get to know your roommate and the people on your floor.</p>

<p>Buy your textbooks
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Other things happening before classes begin:
-Dorm floor meetings
-Dorm floor dinners
-Rec Facility orientations
-Library tours…sounds boring, but do this…it pays off
-Student Night at Target
-Memorial Union Terrace Party
-1st Home Football Game
-Walk your class schedule (find buildings/rooms)
-College Open Houses (Engineering, Letters, etc.)</p>

<p>Figuring out where to put your stuff. Learning your way to everywhere. Figuring out dining halls and other places to eat. Figure out shortcuts to places. Learn to navigate your hall, dorm and neighborhood. Learn how to do your laundry. Get your electronics/computers et al set up- software et al. Explore the campus away from your area- walk the Lakeshore path to Picnic Point.</p>

<p>You won’t run out of things to do. Do NOT plan a trip home or you’ll miss too much.</p>

<p>no trips home dont plan on flying all the way back to california till winter!</p>

<p>Check out the new Gordon Commons since that’s where you’ll be eating most of your meals. I hear it’s spectacular.</p>

<p>Take advantage of any trips outside of Madison- visits to friends’ homes or to scenic parks during the semester. Being from a totally different region you can spend time learning about the local area many of us take for granted. Visit the arboetum- can walk there and through it (did so with a friend one Labor Day, an all afternoon adventure).</p>

<p>Wow! The question was about the first week. In your first post, you recommend not going home because you’ll miss too much. Your next post suggests taking trips out of Madison and visiting homes of friends. Sometimes it’s OK to not to post on every thread you read. But- I guess that’s how you get to 5,430 posts.</p>

<p>If you want to be a party bro (you’ve come to college to get laid and party), hang out with your bro-ish floor mates and you’ll probably venture to some parties thinking you are being hardcore. By the end of the year, probably you and some of your floormates will be bros for life and will be signing a lease to live together. With the drinking you will be doing, you’ll have to work to keep doing well in your classes and get good grades.</p>

<p>If you are at school to get an education and your version of a good time isn’t always to get drunk/you’re not attracted to the party scene, I would participate in as many welcome week event with your dorm and in general as possible. This is a great way to also meet a friendbase who might be similar to you and not living party-centrically. </p>

<p>In Sellery, you will see more people interested in partying than not. As someone who is not always super social and likes being on my computer alone, I strongly recommend spending as much time as you can meeting people and doing activities your first few weeks in college. It will pay off.</p>

<p>thanks james<br>
i think we are pretty similar actually </p>

<p>i dont mind going out to party but i dont want to do it more than once a week if that
i know from what my friend has told me that quite a few people go out thursday-saturday</p>

<p>thanks for the tips</p>

<p>Trips to visit those from the area are not the same as going home. And, hopefully not occuring until further in the semester.</p>

<p>If you are not from the area it is really fun to explore the surrounding area by whatever vehicle you have access to. Especially in the fall. The 1st truly WI ever I recall going to was the Sun Prairie Corn Festival which was last weekend. Apparently it is still going strong. The hills and farms southwest of Madison are very Vermont like. The Dells is the Dells. State parks are very nice. If you like cars/racing Road America is one of the best road racing facilities in the US. They have events in Sug-September too. It’s good to know there is a world outside Madison close enough to explore.</p>

<p>[Sun</a> Prairie Chamber Of Commerce: Sweet Corn Festival 2012](<a href=“]Sun”></p>