Fitness, Nutrition and Health- All Welcome (Hardcore and “Light”)

@Bromfield2 - Sometimes I wish that we could “love” the posts on College Confidential (like on FB). Great job doing the yoga retreat! Just last night we mentioned Costa Rica on a wishlist conversation with our travel buddies. So glad you took the trip.

@Midwest67 I told you that you’re on your way to 250 lbs. Great job!

@MomofWildChild I had an MRI once. Woofa, one of the worst experiences ever.

A really good day at the gym today. Just recently I was bemoaning the fact that I hadn’t hit a PR in a long time. After matching my more recent best on the bench press, I hit a PR on my clean & jerk by 10 lbs. And finished up with some rowing, burpees and core work.

@sushiritto - why worst? Just curious. I had several MRIs. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep in the magnet. :slight_smile: It is the least invasive test I have ever had!

My first MRI was when I was working full time and spending an additional 20hpw running/coaching our local swim team - and raising two elementary kids… I was like "you want me to lie here and do nothing for 45 min?! YES!!! Can I do it again pretty please? But I am not claustrophobic.

@MomofWildChild those runs are golden! They help keep you going, don’t they? Mine was not like that. My normal Saturday route was 3 feet under water swallowed by the river. It was indoors for me followed by a yoga video.

Yes, those really special runs are not that frequent, but I really appreciate them when they happen.

I’ve had lots of MRIs over the years and they don’t bother me. I just close my eyes and try to relax. Sometimes they give you headphones with your choice of music.

I don’t want to bore everybody here, but briefly, I was shoved into a small tube and then for what seemed like an hour, I heard jack hammering, like someone was doing it right next to my ear. And then it felt like I was in the movie 2001 Space Odyssey, where I was Dave in the machine, and the machine would talk to me every few minutes asking me “how I’m doing?” I’ll tell you how I’m doing. ?

Last Sunday, I boasted of the 75 degree CO weather. As expected, 12 hours later temps plunged to 25 … then 2 days of snow. Wed night temps dipped below zero. Since I only run outdoors, I didn’t get out again til today - 37 degrees, lovely sunshine. Due to snow/slush, I could not do my normal lake path 5k. I did lots of loops, mostly on the paved part. But I still had to deal with some snow and slush. I decided to again this week to add a 2nd 5k today because the temp felt fine (even a bit war) once warmed up. On this kind of day, I have to plan carefully to deal with the cold start - I wore gloves and wide headband in the beginning but stashed in pockets later.

Big ear muff noise suppression head phones with music. Only way I can tolerate an MRI. And with AC-DC playing, can’t tell if the banging is the MRI magnets or the music!

MRI noise was no worse than the noise made by our siding crew while sawing and nailing hardiplank - at least it did not involve loud cussing in Spanish and English! ?

@sushiritto Curious though - what were they testing for? Both of mine were possible running injuries. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. I have thought that I would NOT enjoy the process if they were looking for brain tumors or something really awful. But if you’re not comfortable with it, I suspect it was a long time indeed.

My half marathon training group ran 8 miles yesterday and it felt great. Last week a lot of people were like “I’m not sure I can do the 6.5”, but we all did. So this week everyone was like “8 miles, we got this”. Amazing how much this has to do with attitude!

Dinner last night with 4 of my running buddies and had a blast. Just another benefit from running.

My problem with MRI was the idea of having to stay still for such a long time. I’m jumpy by nature, so loud noises don’t help with the staying still. I’ve only had 1, for a shoulder injury, and I guess I did OK. My son had one when he was a pre-teen and he asked the lady who set him up if she would stay and read him a book. (That didn’t happen but I thought it was cute).

The staying still issue was my problem too @1214mom. I was in agony with the positioning because of the injury and staying still was really, really difficult. I was in tears for the majority of the imagining. I also remember the tech telling me I was breathing too heavy but when I tried to make it more shallow, I got light headed. Felt like it took forever.

I’m not a fan of the MRI. I’ve had 4 and the thought of one gives me anxiety. I don’t mind the not moving or the noise,for me it’s the claustrophobia. The knee MRI was okay because I went to a place that only did extremities. For the knee you sit in a office like chair and only your leg goes in. I dreaded the breast MRI so much they offered me a Xanax. It wasn’t so bad since for that you are face down and there was a opening and I could see the ground.
A number of years ago I had an MRI for some lower back/ hip issues. I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my lower back. I did a lot of PT for that and the hip pain without a lot of relief. Just in passing I decided to look at the report from the radiology group. It mentioned seeing something on my kidney. The orthopedist was only looking for back issues and didn’t notice or say anything. I brought it up with my internist and we proceeded to do some further imaging and send me to a urologist. Long story but the end result was I had a cantaloupe sized ovarian cyst that had flipped on itself. Had the ovary removed and voila the back pain was solved. The moral of the story is that when we or the Dr go in with a preconceived idea of what the issue is they sometimes miss the true issue.

How about we give @MomofWildChild the benefit of the doubt of having a good experience instead of showering her with bad experiences prior to her MRI??? :slight_smile:

Happy to get an outside run in today - 5k and a little bit. The last week our weather turned to winter and it continues with more snow tonight so I’m thrilled to get out today - God bless the trail a block from my house that gets perpetually treated so it’s in good shape!

Thanks @abasket . I think I’ll be OK. I’ve had a number of them. I think it might be worse for men and bigger people because you take up more of the tube. My one concern is that the doctor’s office acted like I am having TWO of them back to back- one knee and then hips. That will not be pleasant. I hope they have music.

4.5 miles this morning up on “the mountain”. I did a hillier route out to an overlook which did bother my knee a little. It got more towards OK once I got back.

@MomofWildChild - Are you allowed to bring your own music.?
Not sure if cellphone could go in MRI, but others might have some suggestions.

I doubt it. You have to use their headphones so they can talk to you if needed.

No cell phones or metal of any kind. Even though my jewelry is platinum, I had to take it all off.

@MomofWildChild - if they have a choice, go for the higher Tesla magnet. Better scans. My doc specifically sent me to the 3T scanner. The MRI tech joked that it is actually a 4 Tesla - 3 In the magnet, plus the radiologist’s Tesla parked in the back. ?

I’m not sure what the doc ordered. It is a captive facility, which is why I have to drive all the way into town. That will NOT be fun.