Fitness, Nutrition and Health- All Welcome (Hardcore and “Light”)


You can find me practicing this every weekday morning at 5:45am at my house! Changing my main workout to early in the morning (since I still work full time) was life changing in how I start my day and giving me confidence to make fitness a priority. I often (most days) add in some other form of exercise, maybe lighter, later in the day.

Edited to say, I wonder “why” the 7-9am. Maybe that was just a base time. I mean, I think it all depends when you start and end your day. For some that may be 5am for others 9am.


My tennis matches are twice weekly (weather-permitting) at 7:15 am. Those are my best days, as far as how I feel when I’m playing and my energy levels for the rest of the day. Our weekend bike rides are also early, but those often wear me out so completely that when I’m done, I’m DONE as far as doing much else for the day.


In my 20’s, a couple other people and I decided to start working out at 5 or 5:30AM. After the first day or two, I quit. My body doesn’t work well that early in the morning.

On weekends, I may get to the gym at 9-11 AM, but weekdays, my workouts have always been afternoons or evenings. Also, my programming isn’t 60 minutes or less. And then add running mileage to it and it’s long. I’d be zonked for work. :grinning:


LEO son is allowed one hour per shift to work out, but he never does. His workouts are also long, and he feels like he should be working while they’re paying him.

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I couldn’t imagine doing a heavy squat session, for example, and then having to move my legs later, quickly enough, to chase a potential criminal on foot. I’d probably just wave goodbye and wish them luck. :rofl:

When I was working on a campus that also had a fitness center I belonged to I would take my lunch break like 1:30 or 2 when everyone else was done and go to the fitness center mid afternoon. It worked out ok that I could do a quick “sweat” clean up afterwards and then go back to my desk and do my end of day. I used to love the quite of the fitness center at that time. And again, it was great to have it done before going home from work.

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I used to like using the workplace fitness center, mostly for the noon classes. It worked best when our offices moved right next door, instead of a 6min walk away. Alas, most days I could not make the scheduling work due to meetings etc.

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I am having a “real crisis.” My NEW Apple Watch seems to be stuck in August, and the monthly “awards” or whatever don’t line up with the month. I can’t decide whether I want to deal with trying to fix/update it, or just take it back to Costco and get a new one. #1stworldproblem

ETA - same watch, which I think should have updated to a move streak of 500days after I manually input data, stayed at 498. I can do the mental math, but geeze, I want my credit!


I think exercising in the morning is “best” for various reasons. I used to work out at 6 before Covid but for the past 3.5 years I have worked out at 11 a.m., unless there’s a conflict and then I shift it earlier or later, depending on my schedule.

Speaking for myself, I think once you establish the habit of working out early you set the tone for the day … less likely to overeat during the day so as not to counteract the exercise, sets your internal clock and by bedtime you are SLEEPY, which is good for you for a number of reasons. When I started IF last year and worked out early, I absolutely noticed I was more quickly dropping pounds as my body was burning fat in the fasted state. I can’t go until noon after an 11 a.m. workout without something in my stomach. In the past two weeks, I was up and out by 7 three days for various commitments, including one day of exercise, and I have to say that I realized how much more productive I am when I get going early. My former classmates are trying to get me back in the in-person classes, now at 6:15, but I am still working out every day at home without the hassle of getting up and dressed at 5:30 and driving and paying for parking. For now, I’m compromising and making the effort to play pickleball with some of the group at 7:20 on Fridays.


Sounds like you are getting it done! :muscle:

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I’m retired now. So I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment after early morn exercise. Not that I do it as often as I should…

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Dr Google told me how to fix my watch, and life is good. Funny thing is I really don’t pay much attn to monthly challenges, so didn’t notice it was messed up til just a couple of days ago, and today I finally tried to fix it.
I continue to do my thing every day - pickleball, bike riding (in or outside) or just walking.
I did lose my “streak” of at least 500 calories of exercise a day after 500 days (really couldn’t do much with my foot messed up), but at least I got to 500. Now I’m OK if I miss a day now and then. I think the day we got stuck in Germany I may not have closed all my rings. Life does go on - :rofl:.


Now that my broken bones are healed (though left with some weird lower back tightness) and hopefully getting over what seems to be plantar fasciitis, I’ve been back to the gym and restarted the intermittent walk/run and other stuff to get in shape for skiing in Dec (yes a glutton for punishment and will probably be doing more grandkid watching). Gotta get the extra pounds off too.


I had what seemed to be start of PF last Sept. I still follow tip (I think from @abasket ) to do some circles with my feet before getting up in the morning. I also try do a 17 min lower body stretch video most days, while watching Netflix.


Can you link the video please?

Sure. Disclaimer - this was NOT advertised as something to help with PF. I had already been doing it now and then, just got more vigalent (especially on running days)


Thank you!

For a while I also did some of these exercises. A hiker friend with more severe PF issues recently mentioned that she did the marble pickup (with toes) and some of the others shown.


My PT (who I’ve seen for my pelvic fracture recovery) also sent me some exercises. I almost forgot!
I am sitting here rolling a frozen water bottle under my foot. It’s cold!

I have had trouble picking things up
with the toes on that foot. Big toe doesn’t bend well. Probably old age.