Fitting in at University of Alabama?

<p>I’m a soon to be college girl who recently got accepted into Bama! I really want to go but have my hesitations. I am from Missouri and I am concerned that if I go South I may not fit in or be able to get into a sorority. Is the school cliquey? Also, what do girls at Alabama wear? I know that there are “game days” where they dress nice so what should I bring? Thank you so much, just freaking out a bit since final decisions need to be made soon.</p>

<p>@ Coffeeshop…first off, Congrats on your acceptance and welcome to Bama and the Bama boards. Secondly take a deep breath and settle, all of your questions have already been answered in previous strings.</p>

<p>Go back to the main Bama page and look at the top right corner, you will see a small magnifying glass. Select that and you will be able to do keyword searches against all of the strings on this board. You will find tons of strings about Sorority recruitment and fitting in at Bama. Those should help take care of your fears.</p>

<p>If you do the search, you will find that there are folks from New York to Hawaii who have fit in just fine at Bama. Since Missouri is actually pretty close in comparison you will have no problem. You will also find that there are plenty of out of state girls who are accepted to Sororities every year. You will also find info that you can use to ensure you have followed the proper steps prior to recruitment (recommendation letters and such).</p>

<p>BTW, I would suggest that you start with the “Info About Bama” string pinned at the top of the main Bama page. It has references to other strings that will help with many of your questions, and probably some you haven’t thought of yet.</p>

<p>Bottom line, if you want to go to Bama and you think it is the proper fit for you, you will be just fine. You will have to get used to being around a successful football, softball, gymnastics, etc. program at a college that truly cares about the students and what they can do to properly prepare each student to be successful.</p>

<p>That may take some getting used to but you will be just fine :)</p>

<p>Oh…and learn how to end your conversations with Roll Tide !!! </p>

<p>Welcome and congrats!</p>

<p>Yes, go to the Sticky thread at the top…you’ll see links for the answers to your questions.</p>

<p>For sororities, you’ll need recs for the different Houses. Contact ahpimommy for all the Greek info.</p>

<p>Have you visited? Are you planning to attend the sorority info day on March 8th? One of the aspects of UA that attracted my D was the number of OOS students. If you decide to attend the soroity thingy let me know and I can put you in touch with my D (an OOS student) she’s already planning to get together with a few girls she’s met on Facebook. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Read some of these…</p>

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<p>My daughter is a senior this year and we are from Missouri. She is also in a sorority. Her 4 years at Alabama have been nothing but wonderful. She had no trouble fitting in at all. In fact she met her future husband at Bama (wedding March of 2015), he’s an Alabama boy (Muscle Shoals), a fraternity and a fantastic guy! They both have job offers in Nashville so upon graduation (he will be his MIS degree Dec '14 and she will get her BS Nutrition May '14 and finish her Masters Dec '14) they will move. She loves the south and everything about it. I would suggest you go to Preview Day if you are able. We found this quite helpful. It is not requirement for girls going through recruitment but may answer many of your questions. I am also happy to answer any you may about our
experience, sorority life, recruitment, rec letters (these are important of you are planning on going through recruitment), the drive, ect…just pm me:). </p>

<p>Check out the Dean’s List from Fall 2013 and you will see there are quite a few students from Missouri on it. Here is the link .
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I want to thank everyone for the awesome advice and kind words! Thank you so much for your encouragement and help.</p>

<p>The school isn’t cliquey, and people are so friendly and welcoming! There are a TON of out-of-state kids. Mainly Southerners, but a lot of Northerners and Cali people too. Girls dress super casually here, in oversized tshirts and norts or leggings with tennis shoes to class. As for game day, people dress up in nice dresses (crimson dresses and black dresses with chunky red necklaces are popular) and curl their hair. Girls down here go for “classy and beautiful” on game day rather than trying to look hot like they do up North in cutoffs and tanks</p>

<p>Sunshine, I do hope that UA distributes a dictionary to help students fit in. It is ironic how often I need to look something up, though maybe it is just that I am TOO old. Mums, norts, those shoes people refer to (can’t remember the name on those), etc. In most places, Kool Aid is just something you drink!</p>

<p>Are you saying that students wear dresses to football games? Still trying to learn the lingo and customs of this Bama culture.</p>

<p>Norts are not a Bama thing. Everyone calls Nike Shorts norts…And yes, many girls in the SEC wear dresses to football games!</p>

<p>“Are you saying that students wear dresses to football games? Still trying to learn the lingo and customs of this Bama culture.”</p>

<p>On HOT days, many girls wear cute sundresses to football games. The dresses will often have a “bama theme” (red, houndstooth, etc). These are sold everywhere at cheap to not-cheap prices…from Target, Walmart to the dept/specialty stores…and online.</p>

<p><a href=“Access Denied”>Access Denied; </p>

<p>However, many girls will also wear shorts and a spirit top.</p>

<p>When it’s a cold football day/night, everyone bundles up like the rest of the country.</p>