Flip This House #3

<p>I am convinced that the samurai sword is not genuine, it’s a reproduction. We took it apart yesterday and the long blade cover (no idea what it is called) feels and looks like Bakelite type plastic. I’ll post some more pictures though</p>

<p>Are there maker marks inscribed in the blade on the part that was inside the handle?</p>

<p>Isn’t the blade cover called a sheath?</p>

<p>cb, I wouldn’t be so quick to get rid of the stuff you think is valuable. You can have the garage sale w/out that stuff. I’d hate for you to sell things for way less than their value. If I were you, and put them aside and do more research when I had time. You can always get rid of the stuff later if it turns out to be worthless.</p>

<p>Absolutely second what VH said. Store them away someplace while you are doing your research and eBay them off one by one or find a consignment that can do it for you in bulk, but definitely do not get rid of potential valuables at a garage sale in a hurry. If some turn out to be unsellable junk, just sell them at the next garage sale (when you get another HH :slight_smile: ), donate or toss them. </p>

<p>We have boxed up Napoleon and the guards, ballerinas, swaztika bookends and beautiful decanter set. They came home in the truck. Albums will probably not be sold piecemeal at garage sale. Ive got them stored inside strange piano that has no piano guts. </p>

<p>I think ill hold out the sword also.</p>

<p>Get to spend the whole evening making poster boards with D’s old Color markers and pricing stickers for the sale. Its going to be a long 2 days that I didn’t bargain for when I bought this house. Ive got to pay some guys tomorrow to clear out that little white shed in back. Its full of tools and some new items still in boxes like Foreman grill. Prior owner actually wanted me to load up these giant toolboxes and bring to him. Estate Administrator put a stop to that. Can you imagine an 86 yr old man with power tools all over his little Assisted Living studio??</p>

<p>I personally won’t go into shed because I can see rat poop all over floor and it scares me. My lead has already scavanged through the things he wants for our jobs. Plus there is a large stockpile of things we can use like sandpaper and cases of caulk (if still useable). I hover at the door and point. There’s only so much glamour I can stand!! </p>

<p>Dumpster #2 was filled to top, 40 cubic yards at noon today. That’s two dumpsters in 7 working days. I’m going to have it hauled away on Friday and a new one cannot arrive until Monday, after garage sale. That will be a total of $1,500 in dumpsters in 2 weeks.</p>

<p>cb, do you yet have a budget figured out for this house? I suspect not, given all the things you’re still uncovering. And you probably haven’t really examined the house itself yet.</p>

<p>I’m not a porcelain-figurine person, but those Napoleon pieces are so cool! I’d almost be tempted to keep them!</p>

<p>The Nazi bookends on the other hand … Ugh. I wouldn’t want them in my home, even temporarily. Yuck. I definitely would not want my name associated with them on eBay. </p>

<p>Yes, in general remodel budget is $85,000 but there’s lots of carrying costs. So I need time to get it all figured out so I can be totally honest to you all on the estimates. Of course the reality will be very different! Maybe I can just raise my sales price when I go over budget, just like they do on Flip Flop or the other shows. </p>

<p>Those bookends are creepy. I’ve heard Rick on “Pawn Stars” say he won’t buy any Nazi memorabilia, so it must be an issue in the collectible world.</p>

<p>A friend from France said that the Napolean figurines would do well on eBay Europe, not really sellable in the US. But he said that many countries in Europe forbid the sale of Nazi memorabilia so the bookends have to be sold in the US.</p>

<p>The porcelain manufacturer is AW Kister, if I forgot to mention that. The ballerinas have a fine mesh/lace skirt, it’s not porcelain. When I view these on eBay, they say Dresden Kister. Have no idea if A W Kister is the same as Dresden. Most of the other ballerinas on eBay have porcelain skirts</p>

<p>cb, when you get a chance, can you post photos of the views from the house? You said those were really what are going to sell the house, when the time comes. I’m eager to see them!</p>

<p>It is very hard to take photos of the views. Since I take most photos with my cell phone, it shows up as a little bit of blue on the far horizon. And, the telephone lines are front and center in the photos. But, when you are in the house the views draw you in and your eye focuses on all the blue water scenes and they are much larger and much closer than the cell phone photos. I have no idea how to take good photos of the views. I think I need to borrow someone’s good camera with a telephoto lens or something.</p>

<p>I can post my cell phone photos, but they are very disappointing.</p>

<p>No matter. </p>

<p>Good luck with the sale this weekend.</p>

<p>Haven’t been posting much, but have followed with interest. Good luck, cb. </p>

<p>My dad had a fair amount of Nazi stuff that he got during WWII. I don’t want to sell it as I keep thinking I’d be enabling some Nazi sympathizer. But it is interesting to have a bit of history like that. </p>

<p>cb and hayden, can you donate the Nazi things to a WWII museum and take a tax deduction? Looking forward to hearing how your sale goes, cb. Good luck!</p>

<p>Agree that it might be good to donate to a museum and possibly get tax deduction–good thought!</p>

<p>Good luck, CB! </p>

<p>We had to clear out my MIL’s house pretty quickly, and I just donated boxes and boxes of sheet music from the 30s and 40s to Goodwill. But I still have a lot of china stuff up in my attic that she sent us years ago. Got to go through that sometime. </p>

<p>I have tried to go back 23 pages but can’t find the link to the pictures and I am curious to see them. Help!</p>

<p>I’m not at my computer to find the ■■■■■■■■■■ group to post the link. Hopefully someone else can replete link.</p>

<p>Just finished marathon Estate Sale and I cannot even move. My feet hurt so much. Probably will never do a garage sale again ever. Famous last words.</p>

<p>Total take $960 but $700 after paying for all the help all week. Worked days on it. Still have the good stuff to sell separately. Found more interesting things while going through all the boxes. Ill post photos and an update tomorrow when I come back to life :)</p>