Flip This House #3

<p>Marilyn, you do good research!!</p>

<p>CB: How long did the remodel project take??</p>

<p>(CB I think of you when watching HGTV and sometimes catch myself telling DH “I have this friend…” :wink: )</p>

<p>Interesting about the costume jewelry… The first thing that the Estate Sale guy asked me is if there was any jewelry. No… two guys lived here for a million years, no jewelry. </p>

<p>Remodel took 7 weeks. It would have taken 6 weeks but Owner did not select tile or some other items until late. </p>



<p>I was able to get garage door opened up (see photos for how much is crammed into garage now) and take some photos of the unusual items.</p>

<p>Nazi Bookends - the guys told me they found white eagle swastika bookeneds. Took some photos. Have no idea if these are real from Germany during WWII era or some kind of sick joke</p>

<p>Napolean and Josephine - the coronation figurine actually has 3 separate guard figurines that goes with it. Closeup photos and markings are loaded to the Flickr Group</p>

<p>I checked the cut glass bowls and they don’t have any markings or signature on bottom - probably not worth anything</p>

<p>Samurai Sword - had to dig through back of garage to get this out. After careful examination, it has nice brass flower carvings (doubt if any samurai wanted flower carvings on his handle) and it appears to my amateur feel and eye that the sword blade cover thing is made out of Bakelite type plastic. I am guessing that the sword is a reproduction. </p>

<p>I am now trying to investigate the glassware that has gold rims. Trying to determine how to price them</p>

<p>cb, you had mentioned you might keep the glassware for one of your offspring. No longer interested?</p>

<p>I want to research the glassware. If cheap and not worth anything, I probably won’t bother storing it. If old, interesting history or has value then I am going to keep them for my D.</p>

<p>Just finished exhaustive research on Napolean and his guards. Thank God for the Internet!!! I found manufacturer and time period. made sometime between 1925 and 1962. Here’s the link to match the markings. Our marking is
Nbr 5/6-14</p>

<p><a href=“PM&M [Germany / Thuringia / Scheibe-Alsbach (01)]”>http://www.porcelainmarksandmore.com/germany/thuringia/scheibe-01/index.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And, found similar figurine sold at auction in Europe for thousands of dollars!! OMG this is exciting. Forget demolition, I am glued to my computer doing important detective work :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Are there any decent auction houses in SD where you can take stuff to get appraised?</p>

<p>Around here we have Skinner’s, and they regularly have times when you can take stuff to get looked at and appraised by their experts.</p>

<p>The bookends, Nap and Jo, and the sword definitely don’t seem like garage sale items.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention - MARILYN YOU ARE MY HERO!!! I would have blindly stuck Napolean and Josephine out to the wolves at a morning garage sale. I hope I can return some small favor when you make your future move to the San Diego area.</p>

<p>It’s fun! My pleasure, and I may well take you up on that favor some day! I would love to also check out that china dancer from the curio cabinet; Dresden? There should be marks on the bottom;she may not be in Nappy’s league but could be worth $100 on up. Maybe that consignment shop can give some basic advice on these kind of things?</p>

<p>I actually know nothing about collectibles but did a lot of research on stuff in my MIL’s estate (nothing worth very much) and now I’m eying my mother’s stuff, which is much better quality . :wink: </p>



<p>La Jolla must have a bunch of them.</p>

<p>Ocean Beach is well known for Antique Row on Newport Avenue. So, I may be boxing some of this stuff up and going to visit some of these stores. </p>

<p>This is so much fun! So glad I found this thread, it’s HGTV meets Antiques Road Show. I expect a bit of American Pickers thrown in for good measure at the estate sale ;)</p>

<p>Wow, cb! This is even more fun than I anticipated. Of course, you are doing all the heavy lifting, and I’m cheering from the sidelines. Can’t wait for more updates! :)</p>

<p>So cool about N&J with guards! A good estate sales agent can help a lot. When we cleaned out Mom (and Grandma’s) house, we finally got an estate agent that used to run an antique store. A lot of the “treasures” like the cut glass that we thought were so valuable, weren’t. (CB, yours should start at $50 each piece minimum) But she earned her pay (35% of proceeds) by pricing the “vintage clothing” much higher than I would have AND identifying one print that I thought was trashy $5, as a something. She got $5000 for it and I saw one on-line asking $10000. She paid for herself right there!
I am rooting for a big score on anything. </p>

<p>This IS fun!</p>

<p>CB, I am glad to see that you have been infected with our enthusiasm for seeking out collectibles. :)</p>

<p>I thought the Napoleon scene looked intriguing wen I spotted it on the bottom shelf of the curio cabinet, but the new pictures area great! I LOVE the guards, too. I would find them difficult to part with, personally. </p>

<p>Whatever you do, make sure they are well wrapped up and don’t get chipped!</p>

<p>Did that low green vase turn out to be anything?</p>

<p>I pulled out everything we think might have some worth (only things you all have identified!) and I took some photos of the ballerinas. The most interesting thing is that all of the markings on the bottom of Napolean, guards, ballerina and strange bookends are same. They are from an East German porcelain maker and the markings from the website indicate between 1925 and 1972. </p>

<p>I have no history of when these were purchased, but they must have been purchased all together since they are the same maker. Maybe when the prior owner was stationed in Germany?? It’s all a mystery</p>

<p>More photos loaded</p>

<p>Dang, just called three of the antique places in Ocean Beach and they are not interested. They want watches and jewelry, not porcelain figurines. They told me a place to call for the albums and another place to call for the figurines (Karen’s Consignment, as mentioned above). She recommended selling them on eBay</p>

<p>Can you get a closeup of the blade of the sword? You are looking for a wavy line under the cutting edge, and perhaps an almost-wood-grain-like appearance on the steel. These are some indications that the blade is genuine, which would make it fairly valuable.</p>