<p>i'm wondering as to how much emphasis is put on religion at religious but academically elite boarding schools, like SPS & Blair. i'm atheist (fancy word for no religion, hehe) and i have no problem with attending .. like, chapel every sunday morning but bible study every morning and a sermon before every meal would be a bit much.. not that there's anything wrong with that! (sorry, my wording is confusing sometimes)</p>
<p>soo.. is religion really evident/important at these schools? i'd hate to miss out just because i'm not episcopal/presbyterian .. thank you!</p>
<p>… That’s just kind of rude to those of us who ARE religious. I’m not, I haven’t been to church in ages, but saying you sleep during a religious ceremony that has true meaning and depth just adds to the shallowness that is Senay…</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure it’s not a HUGE devotion to religion, but it is quite a part of daily life. i am Episcopalian, and my church is notorious for being accepting. Our diocese has a gay bishop ;)</p>
<p>oh please, like you’ve never gotten bored at church and did something like text or talk to your neighbors.</p>
<p>reminds me of this great story :)</p>
<p>friends were sitting right next to me at church and one of them said “dont txt me. my phones not on silent” (she didnt want to get it out) and guess what i did. yep, i txted her. lm@o</p>
<p>Blair requires attendance at 3 Sunday vespers per semester (6 times a year) if my memory is correct. Vespers are often not religious services, but sometimes reflections of religious themes. It could be students discussing their religious beliefs, representing several different religions. All students are required to attend a Christmas vespers, and there is a convocation at the start of the school year. I think both are held in the Blairstown Presbyterian church. </p>
<p>Once week there is a chapel all school meeting. These meetings are focused on moral issues rather than religious issues. Often it is faculty member or a student talking about a moral lesson learned.</p>
<p>Some schools require attendance at a weekly religious service, but Blair is not one of them. No worries about a sermon before eating! You should investigate each school carefully. Some schools with no religious affiliation still have some requirements. For example, at Lawrenceville, you have a attend a few religious services each semester (but they can be for any religion). At Westminster, all the students and faculty sing hymns Sunday evening.</p>
<p>I always got bored at church. Never texted, however. I was also an acolyte for many years. i find reading, texting, or sleeping during a religious experience to be extremely rude.
During youth group, however… All bets are off.</p>
<p>(You ARE a rude person, you know that? Do you ever treat anyone with respect?)</p>
<p>everyone gets bored at church, doesnt mean theyll stop going, otherwise noone would show up and the church would shut down.</p>
<p>everytime i go to church, i look around, i cant stop giggling when i see lots of people sleeping, dozing off, dropping there heads. it’s hilarious</p>
<p>Gonna go ahead and back everything mpicz and saer have said lol =). I’m athiest as well but, Senay, it’s pretty rude to be texting while someone is trying to speak to you either way (religious speech or not).</p>
<p>At SPS we have chapel 4 times a week, but it’s not really that religious, because honestly people don’t come here for the religious aspect but more for an education. But chapel here is more or less like having an all school assembly in a beautiful building every morning, and it’s actually quite fun. We also have something called Taize service every Sunday night which is optional and not really religious at all, and you can just sit and meditate. The school is alos very open about religion because the majority of our school is not Episcopalian (sp?). And also if you’re like Jewish or Catholic or something else we always have teachers who are happy to drive you to a nearby religious center.</p>
<p>hmmm okayy. but my friends are toooo extreme. i would never do what they do. who the heck boos a preacher of the stage at church? that’s absurd. of course, i pretended i didnt know them.</p>