Sick of hearing this mantra repeated again and again? Someone who eloquently examines the “Follow your Passion” bromide:
Sick of hearing this mantra repeated again and again? Someone who eloquently examines the “Follow your Passion” bromide:
I don’t know who that guy is, but his advice didn’t really make any sense to me–literally I could not understand what, if anything he was saying.
But on the subject, Cal Newport has some interesting thoughts too, He says:
Follow Your Passion” (and similar mantras) is bad advice that will hold you back. The reality of building a meaningful career is more complicated and interesting.
really BP? I thought he eloquently described how “follow your passions” as stand alone advice, w/o any understanding of one’s actual context and ability is simpy poor advice. Thus its relevance to aspiring HS students who’ve been conditioned with this since age 3.
“Follow your passions” should be taken as general advice, not a career strategy. No one has ever told me to chase pipe dreams, but I’ve been advised to pursue my interests in a broad sense and avoid careers I would hate even if they’re lucrative. Surely there’s a middle ground between “movie star” and “septic tank cleaner.”
If you can’t understand what he was saying, you have probably been reading too many posts here. He laid his response out very well and used plenty of examples.