<p>A recent article in Student Life reported that WU would delay construction of two new dorms next year due to economic conditions, but that work would proceed with Phase II of the Wohl Center project. The article said that this would result in "not the best food service" next year. Does anybody know what that means? What are the plans for food service during construction?</p>
<p>Also, based upon the Wohl Center construction planned for next year, are there particular dorms to avoid (due to their proximity to the construction)?</p>
<p>“not the best food service” probably refers to the amount of space available for dining seating in Wohl center, and just the overall capacity of the kitchen… half of the building will be demolished this summer to continue with Phase II. It’s probably going to have an affect on the actual quality of the food, which is quite outstanding. The Wohl kitchen provides a lot of food for the rest of campus in terms of preparation and delivery. Many people will probably walk a few minutes away to the DUC for a lot more of their meals.</p>
<p>The dorm Rublemann is kind of right in the middle of all the construction. Liggett/Koening (arguably the nicest dorms on the 40) are right next to it, but it’s not too bad to navigate into and the construction fence in front of it will be gone this coming summer.</p>
<p>This year, the main hassle revolves around navigation to the dorms, and next year probably the biggest hassle will pertain to Wohl Center. After this summer, the new Umrath House will be open. And, the first half of the new Wohl will be completed (though I’m not sure if it will actually be open for occuapancy until the following year).</p>