For all of the poets out there...

<p>Hi! I have to write a shakespearean sonnet for tommorro and I'm horribly lost. This is what I have, and I was wondering if you guys could tell if it is iambic pentameter or not. Thanks.</p>

<p>The sky is a revering shade of blue,
A day of beauty has commenced in time.
Evil dwells still, but only in a few.
Its voice is gone, it is but a weak mime</p>

<p>Achieved only recently, the taste still
Lingers, and a sweet taste it is indeed.
No populations lacking their due fill;
The people have all they could want or need</p>

<p>Utopia was said to be too far,
But that man underestimated us.
The powerful force of light that we are
Eliminated that wretched red fuss.</p>

<p>And now you look on our society
That is a basic impropriety</p>

<p>Your rhyme scheme and syllable count seem fine, but some of the words that fall on stresses don't quite fit. "Evil," for example, is pronounced with emphasis on the "e". The pattern of the line is not consistent with the others. It is akward to read.</p>

<p> does one correct that? What if I add the word "The" in front of evil? Does that fix anything?</p>

<p>In order of personal preference:
The evil dwells still; only in a few.
The evil still dwells in only a few.
The evil . . . blah. This is your homework, not mine. : )</p>