<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>I graduated last June from Davis with a B.S. in animal science, and I’m starting vet school in August. When I first got to Davis, I had some trouble figuring things out, so for anyone who is pre-vet and needs help, feel free to ask questions.
I’m also willing to answer anything to do with applying to vet school, the animal science major, or about Davis in general.</p>
<p>wow, congrats! will u be attending vet school at davis…???</p>
<p>Congrats on making it into vet school! I’m entering the animal science major starting fall. :3 If I wanted to intern at the local vet school while working towards the Animal Science BS, how would I go about doing that? I’ve never taken blood or urine samples before, so would I be taught these things?</p>
<p>Thanks guys! I’m going to Western University, in Pomona, CA.</p>
<p>Sopranokitty, if you want to intern at the VMTH, you have to go through the Vet Aides Club on campus: [UC</a> Davis / Vet Aide Club / Internships](<a href=“http://iccweb.ucdavis.edu/aes/vetaides/Internships.htm]UC”>http://iccweb.ucdavis.edu/aes/vetaides/Internships.htm). You could also try clinics/hospitals around Davis, or in neighboring cities such as Dixon and Woodland. You could give Sac a shot but it’s a further drive. PM me if you want more specifics since I’ve interned in various places.</p>
<p>They’ll teach you anything you don’t know, so don’t worry. :)</p>
<p>Hi. I’m a freshman with the animal science major. I was just wondering, what types of classes did you take? And were they difficult? Also, I’m still not sure if I want to become a vet, but I definitely want to work with animals. How did you decide to attend vet school and become a vet? And, how was your experience at Davis overall? I’m really nervous about going to college… :/</p>
<p>Doesn’t the animal science major have more of a focus on large animals and livestock? My parents are forbidding me to major in it because they are worried that for whatever reason I don’t carry through with vet school, I will have much less to work with than if I had majored in general biology (which they want me to). I would like to be a small animal vet (go to hell, cat allergies!), so do you think animal science shouldn’t be an option for me at all? Thanks for any help :)</p>
<p>@ springerspaniel: you can specialize in small animals. I’m majoring in animal science and plan to focus on companion & captive animals.</p>
<p>@thepunch, congratulations on getting into vet school!
how is it going?</p>
<p>also, do you know if there are any post-bacc programs for vet school? i really need to work on raising my GPA… big time.</p>