For those asking about job placement after graduating

<p>The same question, about post-graduation employment opportunities, has been asked on several threads, so I'm posting this in a new thread so maybe anyone with that question will see it. I poked around on the Purdue website and found this page from the Center for Career Opportunities: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>On it you will find reports for the past 3 years (the 2006 graduating class is not included yet) for all majors with more than 7 graduates, indicating whether they were employed, went on to grad school, or were still looking for one of those two things. (The final column in each table shows the number of graduates for whom they weren't able to get a status.)</p>

<p>In the case of Electrical Engineering, for instance (which someone asked about explicitly), out of 107 graduating students in 2005, 99 were employed or in grad school six months after graduation. A note at the bottom of the page says, "EMPLOYED is defined as those graduates who reported relevant, full-time employment during the survey period." (So you know they're not counting in that number graduates who are working at jobs other than one in their field.) The survey does not show where in the country they are employed.</p>

<p>Hope this is helpful to many.</p>

<p>thank u mom</p>

<p>why is there such a high percentage of ee grads going on with further education?
pls advise mom</p>

<p>Many of the folks I know who did an EE undergrad degree went on to specialize in grad school. It's fairly common in the US -- I get the sense you are international? Perhaps it's not so common elsewhere.</p>

<p>no i'm american..</p>

<p>it is common everywhere i guess</p>

<p>Can't speak to the data, haven't seen it. But, my husband went for his undergrad at Rose Hulman, graduated with a great job. Quit job and decided to go back fulltime for Master's @ Purdue. He went back to same company, better job, after completing the Master's. Finally, he decided to return to Purdue for Ph.D. Graduated and picked his favorite from multiple job offers. Today, as he helps interview those seeking jobs at the company he works for ... he knows the quality of a purdue degree. It's still ranked very highly in industry. But, of course, this is only anecdotal. :)</p>


<p>BTW, his degree is mechanical engineering, specializing in combustion.</p>

<p>ic.. that sounds great zebes.. will love to see more ppl sharing their experience instead being frustrated at questions being asked..</p>