For those flying into BHM for move in

<p>After MUCH debate we have decided to I will fly with DD down for move in. Plan is to fly southwest with 2 free bags each (full of her stuff), maybe ship a box or 2, and buy the rest in AL. Got a great deal on a minivan for $30 a day thru Alamo and if you sign up free as a member it is even cheaper. Even doing this it will be cheaper for us than driving from MD and staying in hotel each way.</p>

<p>That is exactly what we are doing too kaylynsmom. Although I have considered whether all of us in MD should go together, rent a POD, put our stuff in it and have them take it to Alabama for us! Lots less to lug around!</p>

<p>That is good to hear, I was feeling like a wimp not wanting to make that drive from MD. Plus I am thinking there will be more stuff to come home in May and it won’t be as hot to drive down and visit. </p>

<p>I seriously had thought about asking if everyone wanted to go in on a u-haul but the pod sounds even better.</p>

<p>We did the exact same thing 2 years ago, kaylnsmom. The only thing we had a problem with was fitting his tv in a suitcase so we just ordered one on Amazon and had it shipped to Paty package center. It made sense as this way he won’t have to bring his tv back and forth each summer and he has one when he’s home over Christmas. </p>

<p>There were three of us so 6 suitcases fit just about everything he needed and we just stopped in B’ham to buy some towels and a couple pillows.</p>

<p>I’m still trying to convince my mom to fly down from Maryland. Why did you decide to fly down?</p>

<p>grammargirl- because i am old, and I can’t stand sitting in a car for 16 hours anymore :)</p>

<p>^^^^ That! Too old to drive it all in one day and by the time we pay for gas and lodging we could ship lots and lots of boxes cheaper. Plus we will just be coming off vacation that includes a 10 hr ride home a few days earlier. I did find some things of interest in TN we might consider stopping and doing in future to break up the trip. I did think that after all that time in car together the separation when we leave might be easier though…</p>

<p>Kay, that’s what we did last year.
We bought a TV and had it shipped to Best Buy in T- Town.
We brought linens from Anna’s with us so we didn’t have to stop in Birmingham.
We looked through the shelves at Target and Walmart at home and bought the things we needed in T-Town- Most Targets and Walmarts carry the same products- no need to ship or purchase in advance. We packed all of my sons clothes in duffle bags so we could fold them up on our return trip avoid paying an extra baggage fee.
No need for a 16 hr drive! The thought makes me shudder!</p>