Forbes Best College Ranking Geneseo #366??

<p>I must say I'm shocked right now , Albany #295.</p>

<p>Forbes is trying to create a new ranking system that can’t be manipulated so easily by the colleges. While their computer simulation puts Geneseo down low, I wouldn’t worry about it much as they are missing some vital components. In Forbes ranking Cornell is 207, Dartmouth is 98 while Depauw is 42 . Ask any guidance counselor, college administrator or professor which school is better? Dartmouth and Cornell over Depauw… and Geneseo over Albany (and Depauw)… But Geneseo vs Dartmouth or Cornell? The Ivys win except by price… </p>

<p>Having said that, I applaud Forbes. They tweaked their system last year and are likely to tweak it again so it does not get so skewed for a few good colleges.</p>