I was accepted into the LC campus as a global business major. Rose Hill doesn’t offer global business as a major so I’ll be dorming at LC no matter what. One of my concerns, though, is the atmosphere between campuses. I am excited by the opportunities that being at LC, and in my specific major, will bring, but I’ve always been a person that likes the traditional American campus, football games, get togethers and, from what I’ve heard, that’s not really the case at LC. Do students from LC still get involved with those kinds of things at RH, and go over to RH to interact with students over there? I like the idea of a decently sized undergrad community, and as LC houses less people, I just hope I am able to be a part of the RH experience as well, whether it be taking classes on RH campus, or being able to be involved with the community in sports, activities, etc. Please let me know your thoughts/experiences.