Fordham University Experience?

<p>D received the full tuition semi finalist scholarship to Fordham, for which we are incredibly grateful. As the results have come out, the scholarship is by no means automatic so she is feeling glad she applied early and glad to have this option early in the college search as she awaits RD results and packages. We are wondering if there are any students or parents on this board who have had experience with Fordham? If so:</p>

<li><p>How is the diversity on campus? Is there an active multicultural group? There is one listed, but we don't know how active it really is.</p></li>
<li><p>A friend mentioned that she 'thinks' a lot of the Hispanic and African American kids are commuters...any thoughts on this? Our child would be coming from another region in the country.</p></li>

<p>We are confident that the academics are rock solid and Fordham's location works for D...she likes the RH campus and likes the whole idea of service in the surrounding community while also having a great campus and access to Manhattan. The Jesuit philosophy is great. But, she is curious about the campus life, the mingling of kids and the support within and for minority students.</p>

<p>I posted this on the African American board too. Any opinion as a student, parent (former or current) or just one who has researched the school is welcome.</p>


<p>My D1 applied to Fordham, regular admission, because of the letter offering this potential scholarship as well.</p>

<p>In spite of being accepted in March, it was still not specified on the acceptance letter when or even if that scholarship was part of acceptance…disappointing (not sure if they call it need based vs. say BU which seems to solely be based on NHRP and getting accepted)…</p>

<p>Maybe they wait to see all accepted NHRPs and then award top 10 (Not made clear to me sadly) -since she also got a few colleges that while not offering NHRP help, she felt were better match, we never pursued,</p>

<p>I am interested to understand why they were not so clear about this-in contrast BU awards this and she was offered clearly to be eligible for this scholarship of half tuition at BU - and pretty sure it was a guaranteed thing as opposed to Fordham, where they seem very sketchy about it…also was disappointed in several colleges that solicited her then rejected her in spite of her being easily qualified for acceptance-its all a bit mysterious and seems that certainly and EA is easier way to get reply-but I would not do an ED unless that scholarship is a lock as if you change mind that is students locked in choice correct?
However if they apply ED (or EA) guess they are pretty sure they would attend if scholarship is awarded and do believe and ED could be rescinded if that scholarship was not given since you might well not be able to afford to go there without it–hope this helped a little-do not mean to be discouraging-we probably applied to too many schools in hind sight–sigh…but ended up pretty happy!