<p>OK folks, lets not get so serious here…the link I provided (in toungue in cheek) was to show that any list of “Top schools” can be challanged; I KNOW it only listed 3 Catholic schools, omiting some of the best…that was my point; someone’s top five may not be someone else’s top five depending on what criteria you use. </p>
<p>And say all you want about where VU would be if it were in the National category; that fact is if it was categorized as a National U, it would be in the National U and not regional. Can’t blame me for what USN&WR does…</p>
<p>I have a nephew at VU, I have a kid who almost went to VU. I have been there a few times, I have sung it’s praises to others, but in looking at ALL factors I cannnot say it is better than Fordham, Holy Cross and not better than Lehigh or Case Western. Perhaps on this forum, but not on others. Don’t have to agree with me… and I see you won’t but try telling a Lehigh or Case Western fan VU is just as good and I don’t think they would agree with you either.</p>
<p>But it is a free country</p>