<p>How important is foreign language to med school admission?</p>
<p>I currently test out of my university's language requirement, but I wonder if it helps at all?</p>
<p>How important is foreign language to med school admission?</p>
<p>I currently test out of my university's language requirement, but I wonder if it helps at all?</p>
<p>At some med schools being fluent in Spanish is very helpful.</p>
<p>Curm’s right, but taking a couple of semesters of a language won’t make you fluent in it. Take a language that interests you, not just for the sake of getting into medical school. So if you are already fluent in a Spanish, it will help, but don’t take Spanish, just for medical schools. Med Schools usually don’t care about what language you take, because like I said a could of semesters of a language won’t make you fluent in it.</p>