Foyle Young Poets -- 2023

hey CC! I have a few poems in the drafts for Foyle this year; just wondering if anyone else is also entering or if there’s a certain style that’s preferred – thanks!

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I entered this year, from what I’ve seen they tend to prefer narrative driven poems but I think it depends on the tastes of the judges each year. I can’t wait for September to find out whether or not we’ve been successful!

does anyone know when we should expect to hear results?

the poetry society confirmed in a reply to someone on twitter that they’ll be contacting entrants this month, but they didn’t specify when

i’m actually lost - I just checked my junk emails and got an email from the young poets network on the 8th sept saying they’re hoping to get back to winners around mid october - so I guess any time between now and then

ty for updating! i need to find a way to get them past my spam filter lol

From the Young Poets newsletter, sent Sept 8th (I think this was what @aj77 was talking about):
" We can now reveal that this year’s Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award received over 15,000 entries from young poets all over the world. If we printed them all out and laid them end-to-end, we’d be able to pave a track of young people’s poems around 5 kilometres long (we haven’t tested this; please don’t try it at home either). Judges Jane Yeh and Jonathan Edwards are busy reading the poems and making their shortlists: we’re hoping to get back to winners around mid-October so please hold tight!"

Thank you! I didn’t know they had a newsletter!

I just got a rejection email, did anyone get anything?

I got it. I’m so excited. My thing is that only 2 people judged over 15000 poems. It just seems outof the ordinary. I am in disbelief that i actually got in. I was just commended tho, it was quite difficult

Congratulations that’s amazing! To get commended out of so many entries is such a big deal

Thank you so much,im so sorry that you didnt make it. Im dure it is an amazing entry

It is announced today. But I cannot find the top 85, only top 15’s names

so happy to have been a top 15 winner this yr T_T feels absolutely unreal and congrats to everyone who submitted :heart: