
<p>What are some of the biggest fraternities at UW Madison.. I am transferring into the college of engineering (Mechanical) and contemplating rushing for a fraternity. I am wondering what the rules are for living arrangements after one year in the frat? I am also wondering which frats are more socially oriented and which are academically oriented. I am more interested in ones that are heavily social as I am more interested in COE Honor's society, Dean's list, e.t.c. with regards to academics.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>There’s an engineering frat if you’re interested, it’s called Triangle. I’m in a sorority, not too sure about frats but I think you live in the house the year after you rush for the most part, though I knew freshmen that moved into houses a semester after they rushed. There are quite a few frats on campus, too many to list here. A full list can be found at [::Go</a> Greek::](<a href=“]::Go”>, which includes both social and academic frats if I’m not mistaken. Many frats are highly social and professional, mostly meaning that the guys all have the same major/interests. There are ranking sites that are easily found, but I wouldn’t put much stock in them, the important thing is really liking the guys in the frat. All those sites will give you is an extreme stereotype that is often untrue. All frats have something to offer and I’d recommend looking through a lot of them and really exploring all your options.</p>

<p>After re reading my original post I was not that specific in what I actually wanted. Generally, like you said many who are in my major don’t have a lot of the same interests as I do. More specifically, although I will devote as many hours as necessary as possible to ensuring academic success, I will be the first one to admit that I will be more than happy to head to state for a few rounds with friends. With that in mind, I am looking for fraternities to meet people that I like to be around on the weekends and not necessarily those who are in my same major. Even though this might sound like I do not associate much with those who are Engineering majors, that is not the case as one of my best friends from home that I am moving in with is a civil engineer but at the same time maintains the same mindset as me. One in which regardless of the sacrifices I have to make, I will strive to the best of my ability academically but when I am allowed a night or two on the weekend of free time I will gladly take advantage by going out with friends.</p>

<p>Thanks, I hope that is more clear.</p>

<p>Then you probably don’t want a professional frat, and that’s fine. I’d look at many of the frats on Langdon St and surrounding areas, those are your typical social frats, basically what you think of when you think of a frat. There are just so many that I can’t list them all, check them out online and explore them when you get here.</p>

<p>Is the process of joining frats difficult at UW-Madison?? I was just accepted as a transfer student into College of Engineering and am thinking about joining one as well.</p>

<p>Is there anyway that you can opt OUT of actually living in the house after rushing… I am to the point I rather live on my own but still would like to be a part of the fraternity.</p>