Fraternity arbitrary bidding

I was the only one out of eight rushers who didn’t receive a bid from a Professional business fraternity today. The fraternity is a relatively new one, with it only having two years worth of history on Binghamton’s campus, so it is not that well known.

The thing that got me infuriated was the fact that I was the only one out of the eight who didn’t receive a bid, despite having better qualification. During rush week, I put my utmost effort and time on meetings the brothers of the fraternity - getting to know them and attending all their rush events.

The problem is that I have one friend who was already in the fraternity that I am rushing for. Because I am rushing three fraternities, that friend asked me if I would take the bid if accepted. I told him maybe, since I am still waiting for the bid from the other two.

10 minutes I said that, I received an email saying they were sorry that they cannot offer me a bid, and that they are concern of my commitment toward their fraternity

This is what they sent me:

After careful consideration, it is with a heavy heart that we inform you that we are unable to offer you a bid at this time. While we find you to be an immensely bright and dedicated person, “we are concerned that our fraternity is not in your best interest”.

I spoke to the member in the fraternity and they told me to rush next year, and I am not sure I want to. What are your suggestions? Thanks

Hardly “arbitrary” – you told them they weren’t your first choice, so they didn’t make you theirs.

Fair enough, Bodagles. You may be right that the fraternity might had decided to put me aside due to me rushing multiple fraternities simultaneously, but note that the conversation was strictly between one of my friends in the fraternity, who wasn’t directly involved with the selecting process, and I. Thus, in essence, chances are there was no way for the committee to know about my intentions, or which fraternity I hold more highly, unless he told them.

I called him out on this phenomenon today, and he told me he didn’t say anything. Either he’s lying or the recruiting process is arbitrary.

To prospective readers,

Please this regard this post, as there is no way to delete threads on CollegeConfidential.

On a closing note: Although rejection hurts, especially one in which I devoted immense effort into, I have decided that I shouldn’t and will not be bogged down by this, and have decided to move on and look for other opportunities. In life, you’d never get what you anticipated for. If the fraternity do not what me as one of their member, then it’s their loss, and I respect their decision.

In addition, thank you, Bodagles, for contributing. Happy Chinese New Years!!