Fraternity Spring Rush

<p>Can anyone tell me about spring rush for Fraternities at TCU? How does it work? How do perspective new members get to know fraternities without a formal rush process?</p>

<p>spring rush is informal, which means any fraternity that needs people can be in it. You just email the president of IFC here at TCU and he’ll get you on the list. I did spring rush last semester. 4 fraternities were in it, Pi Kapp, SigEp, Fiji, Delt. It is just a meet and greet where you put down your info and talk to them. If they like you, they’ll invite you to a event, a BBQ or something, then it goes on from then. It’s pretty lame, I think fraternity rush is pretty unorganized but that’s the way it goes. Did you try Beta Theta Pi who started recruiting this semester?</p>