<p>I will try and answer a few of your questions… I am a Junior and involved in Greek Life on campus.</p>
<p>Of course, they also said that the independents are also happy and included, etc., but what does that really mean? </p>
<p>It is possible to be involved on campus and happy without being Greek, but for girls esp. going Greek is a big part of campus life. I would recommend it if you find a sorority that you fit in with.</p>
<p>Are there laid back frats and sororities at SMU are are they all really intense?</p>
<p>Don’t know exactly what you mean by this, but I am going to go ahead and say yes. Most of the fraternities and some of the sororities are fairly laid back. For the most part there are intense members and laid back members, but overall most chapters are fairly laid back.</p>
<p>Could someone maybe give me some info on each of the frats and sororities (specifically sororities, but frats are important too so I know what I’m really getting into)? </p>
<p>You will have plenty of time to learn about the fraternities and sororities before rush. If you really want to read what people on the internet have to say about the different houses then go to juicycampus. It is not reliable but will have tons of gossip, most of it not true, but it gives you an idea of what is being said about the various houses.</p>
<p>Are some more “socially acceptable” than others? </p>
<p>Would people rank them?</p>
<p>I don’t want to join a sorority if they’re all really fake and exclusive, I want to be able to be myself, but at the same time I don’t want to be an independent with no friends. Are there different personalities for the different frats and sororities?</p>
<p>One last thing that is kind of important: what are the parties like? How often? Who hosts them? Is there a lot of pressure to drink?</p>
<p>They can range from being a few people at a house just hanging out to extremely large and elaborate parties at local clubs (my freshman year one of the “Arabian Nights” themed parties had live camels, fire breathers, etc.) There will most likely be something going on every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. Fraternities host almost every major party but GDIs have parties as well. It all depends on where you are at whether there is pressure to drink or not. I’d say there is less pressure on girls than guys to drink.</p>
<p>ANOTHER last thing: is there hazing? Does it depend on what frat or sorority you’re looking at? Examples?</p>
<p>Yes. Mostly fraternities but it is not unheard of in sororities. Under Texas state law forcing any pledge to do something that is not required of actives is hazing, so if you want to get technical everyone hazes. Some are just worse than others.</p>