<p>Okay so my SAT's are coming up on March 13th and I'm so nervous! As of now I have taken 3 practice tests from the PR(i know, i know, let the bashing begin). My scores on these tests have gone up significantly from my PSAT scores earlier this year. I just got my first blue book today and plan on taking a few tests from that too. I'm memorizing vocab words. However, my score is still mediocre to say the best. I've heard that scores from the blue book are often higher than those from the PR books. I was wondering, does anyone have any advice in the two weeks before the test? Is there anything else I can do to bring up my score any more than it has gone up already?</p>
<p>Sorry for the rant! :(</p>
<p>just make sure you practice a bit everyday and once it gets close to the test you must be calm and confident. if you’re scared on test day bad things will happen (most likely at least). </p>
<p>also remember, most colleges score choice and you can take it again if you want to do better and just send the better score. that usually calms me down.</p>
<p>you’ll be fine.</p>
<p>Thanks so much! It means so much to me to do well on them and its consoling to know that I can take them again in the fall of my senior year!</p>
<p>What’s your average score now?
What’s your target score?</p>
<p>I too am desperately practicing before the March SAT. Or maybe I’m just avoiding reading Paradise Lost.</p>
<p>haha! Ohlord, dont get me started on Paradise Lost…</p>
<p>My average score is around an 1850 but I’m aiming for a 2000 at least!</p>
<p>How’s your breakdown?</p>
<p>If there’s one particular section, then it might be easier to substantially improve by “breaking through” on it.</p>
<p>well as of now my math score is my lowest
math - 550
critical reading - 660
writing - 630</p>
<p>thats my breakdown ^
got any tips for math?</p>
<p>Right, so definitely concentrate on math.</p>
<p>I recommend first making sure you understand all the requisite skills. Are you missing questions because you can’t figure out the answer or because you make a stupid mistake?</p>
<p>Try to go through a math section untimed and see if you can get all the right answers.</p>
<p>I recommend Gruber’s for math tips.</p>
<p>thank you! i’ve heard Grubers is great for math so I will definatley be checking that out. I think going through it untimes sounds like a good idea so I can see what the problem really is. As far as writing goes, do u have any tips, I’ve been consistently getting 10’s on the essay but I can’t get ove a 57 on the grammar part.</p>
<p>Which section in particular? (Sentence correction, finding errors, or paragraph rephrasing?)</p>
<p>I would definitely put more emphasis on Math but it might be hard to get the 150 points alone from Math. So put emphasis on Math, Writing, and a little bit of vocabulary. Math is easy to raise as long as you know the topics in which you err. If you lack basic knowledge such as formulas or rules for certain things (absolute value, inequalities), you should learn and practice those. As for Writing, reviewing rules and solving official College Board writing questions will definitely help. Good luck.</p>
<p>Thanks guys! I would say my biggest weakness in writing is sentence completions.</p>
<p>Okay, well then here’s what you should do: find the briefest phrase which doesn’t have any visible grammatical errors. It’ll almost always be the correct one.</p>
<p>You have been so incredibly helpful! Thank you so much!!
I’ll use all of your tips when taking my next practice test and hopefully they will help!!</p>
<p>No problem! Glad to help. Hope it goes well…</p>
<p>Just as an aside, I’m going through the math questions I got wrong and am so frustrated with my self! I made such stupid, careless errors! Any tips on how to prevent those?</p>
<p>try to go slow (if you have ample time when you write math sections). After you get an answer, pause, reread the question, make sure the answer makes sense. The first few, you can fly through and not worry about errors, after that, be careful.</p>