Free coke

<p>I just won a free liter of coke off of a lid. Where can I redeem it?</p>

<p>Take it to any convienence store and redeem it as you would a coupon.</p>

<p>i thought you were talking about cocaine, but i guess not so much. No really, joev's right. (sorry, the title just lent itself)</p>

<p>Mr. Coolguy, I thought the same too. By the way, you look familiar.</p>

<p>How can someone look familiar online? :confused:</p>

<p>That is like when someone says they look sexy when talking to them on the phone. "Janet Jackson? B*tch looks more like Freddy Jackson!"</p>

<p>6570882 have special bond of sorts, perhaps we go to the same highschool</p>

<p>I substantiate your assertion. Indeed, I believe we are in the same AP Chem and Calc BC classes. You're that geeky kid on the other side of the room who is stimulated when flying erasers hit his cheek. hehehe</p>

<p>Yeah, well today you threw a container of .5mm lead at my face prior to the related rates quiz. I have cursed your soul. </p>

<p>Sleep well.</p>

<p>I do not realize my strength. Perhaps I should have heeded the words of that unfortunate Swiss milkman who forgot the skim and ended being turned into apple crisp with raspberry which is yummy and I think you could be president, ya funky bedouin.</p>