Free Electives and Fallthrough Courses

<p>Is a Fallthrough Course the same as an Free Elective? In the audit section of Degree Works there is a section called “Elective” but in the Planner section it’s called “Fallthrough Course”. </p>

<p>Using the DW planner, I’m trying to figure out how many Free Electives my DS needs - but it’s only showing Fallthrough Courses - not sure what that means.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of a “fall through” course. lol</p>

<p>I just looked on my D’s DegreeWorks, and you’re right - in the Planner section they use the term Fallthrough Courses where they use Electives elsewhere. I’m pretty sure they’re the same thing.</p>

<p>I would use some caution with DegreeWorks. While it’s a nice tool, sometimes the way it categorizes things is goofy. For instance, my D is completely finished with her gen eds, but every time she takes a new course that COULD satisfy a gen ed, it’ll drop one of the courses that previously fulfilled the gen ed into the electives and put the in-progress course in the gen ed section, so that it looks like she isn’t finished. And it goes back and forth on using Spanish credits and computer credits to fulfill the FL/C requirement.</p>

<p>We have laid out all the requirements from the catalog and we use that, the major checksheet AND DegreeWorks, together with some common sense, to make sure all of D’s requirements are being met.</p>