Free Online AP Classes

<p>Hi, can anyone give me programs that have free AP classes/materials? My class starts in July, but I am going to try to get as much material done in June as I can.</p>

<p>My friend recently showed me one, but the program he showed me weren't AP classes, but I think it's something that's equivalent (I haven't snooped around the site that much).</p>

<p>It's offered by MIT. You just download the course (it's completely free) and go at your own pace. There's no online professor or instructor tracking your work.</p>

<p>Here's the link:</p>

<p>Free</a> Online Course Materials | Courses | MIT OpenCourseWare</p>

<p>Check it out, and I hope I helped ^^</p>

<p>^Will taking that course be for your own benefit or does it count as a class credit as well as your overall hs GPA?</p>

<p>It's for your own benefit. I can't imagine schools offering credit for a class like that because there are no assignments or tests.</p>

<p>if i wanna prepare a little for AP Calc AB next year, which lesson on the website would be best suited for me?</p>