Free Tickets to the Iron Bowl

<p>[These</a> Deadbeat Parents Fell For The Old “Free Tickets To The Iron Bowl” Trick](<a href=“These Deadbeat Parents Fell For The Old "Free Tickets To The Iron Bowl" Trick”></p>

<p>Click on the link and enjoy the video. It’s priceless.</p>

<p>I have such mixed reactions to this clip. On the one hand, it is hilarious, but on the other, I always wonder if these “deadbeat” parents deserve such treatment. For all we know, these people may be unemployed, or working at a job that pays much less than they used to make. I know many of these folks are dreadful people, but in this economy, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that many of these people are the unwitting victims of circumstances. Plus, I think there is ample evidence that fathers bear the brunt of the hardships that come with family breakups. Men definitely do not receive the same treatment in the legal system as women do. What do you think Malanai? I’m not complaining about your post, just curious. But yes, the setup leads to a climax of hilarious proportions given the sports obession in our culture, of which I am not immune.</p>

<p>lol wow!</p>

<p>Great trick!</p>

<p>Good thing they didn’t lure them with the promise of a night with a farm animal. The whole town of auburn would’ve been arrested.</p>



<p>Thanks for the question, Atlanta.</p>

<p>I have a lot of professional experience with both the soul-sapping bias that fathers frequently encounter in family courts and the soul-sapping consequences that children suffer when their dads abandon them. The bottom line for me is that when you choose to bring children into the world you do everything in your power to fulfill your responsibilities as a parent.</p>

<p>If economic circumstances beyond a parent’s control lead to financial hardships that make fulfilling child support obligations impossible, the parent can come forward and communicate his or her circumstances to the authorities and work out an arrangement, rather than blowing off their duty and effectively becoming deadbeats.</p>

<p>The dads caught in the Iron Bowl sting will have the opportunity to explain themselves to the authorities and either work out a deal that is in the best interests of their children or man up. Either way it’s a step forward in my view.</p>

<p>I guess my biggest issue is the humiliation they receive from being on vids like this. I don’t feel sorry for those who really aren’t trying to take care of their kids, but if one of them has been really trying, and had to face this, it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t doubt however, that there are many people who need to be humiliated, to wake them up to their irresponsibility.</p>



<p>There’s an old, anonymous cowboy quote apropos to the above. It goes like this: Kicking a man when he’s down is sometimes the only way to make him get up.</p>