<p>I'd love to hear from other parents who have just or are about to launch their freshman BFA students. I dropped my daughter off at college this week -- moved her into the dorm on Monday. Her orientation started on Tuesday and she has begun to get to know and bond with her fellow BFAs. She was so excited to walk into the theatre on the first day and see the headshots of all the new BFAs on display in the lobby with a big welcoming sign. The freshmen are getting together this evening with the upperclass students for an informal "meet and greet". The formal introductions are next week (the day classes start) when they apparently get connected with a Big "sis" or Big "brother". She is very excited to get started on her training and this new adventure. Hard to say good-bye -- but easier to handle since she seems to be very happy with where she landed and what she is about to do. Harder to come home to an empty house (she is the last one out . . .) but I know it will get easier with time.</p>