Freshman class schedule for pre-business

Other than the four pre-requisites, what other classes would be good for a pre-business freshman to take?

Classes that will boost your GPA. Maybe something with writing so your business app essays are good?

The internal study from a couple of years ago said that there is evidence that freshman year that any Comm A courses and a FIG boost freshman GPA. So, yeah, look at some intro level college writing or research courses; they are always worthwhile.

Look at courses meeting breadth requirements. There are many choices- choose something you will enjoy and may not have heard of. College is the time to explore all sorts of fields and become educated as well as training for a career. Makes your life more interesting as well. Indulge in a fun class as well as those in/for your specific major. Too many- hundreds- to list. Remember that all courses do not have to relate to your major or meet a requirement. Art history and music appreciation courses will make it easier for you decades later when you socialize et al. Indulge in curiosity about any number of things. Being well rounded and having obscure knowledge makes you a more fun person at social meetings later.