Freshman English Subjects? EN 103

<p>Ok in preparation for Bama Bound my son who is a Math and Science kid asked me if I could find out a little more about the subjects for EN 103</p>

<p>What is The Wire? The Story of Stuff? Going Local? Finding Alabama’s voice? Understanding Community and ourselves? </p>

<p>it seems that most of the classes have Monsters as the topic? is there a place where he can read anything about these classes?</p>


<p>Criminal Trials
Story of Stuff
Monsters: Natural and Unnatural
Finding Alabama’s Voice in the 21st Century
Going Local
Understanding Community and Ourselves</p>

<p>Yes, there are a lot of sections about Monsters…hmmm.</p>

<p>Click on the CRN to get the texts…that might give you an idea…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>CrimsonMom - we tried researching just as you are doing. Honestly, after fitting in all the requirements we went with what fit into his schedule, regardless of the topic. It may be a small miracle if you have multiple choices that work with everything else.</p>

<p>My D wasn’t wild about the Monsters topic (not that she even knows what it’s about), but she just picked the professor she wanted and he happened to be teaching one of the Monsters: Natural and Unnatural classes. Aside from the reference books, the book for the class appears to be a graphic novel, AD: New Orleans After the Deluge.</p>

<p>they’re studying The Wire in EN103!!!</p>

<p>Since when do they get to study this stuff in English!?!?</p>

<p>@ Tommy
Yes they are, what is it? a book?</p>

<p>[The</a> Wire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]The”>The Wire - Wikipedia)</p>


<p>It’s probably the best TV show, ever.</p>

<p>Oh, yes, the English classes have some very interesting topics. The Intro to Fine Arts for engineering majors that my son took is taught by an English professor, Jessica Kidd. His English 102 class, something about the 21st century, involved books that he really enjoyed as well. In the Fine Arts class, he was introduced to the Sandman graphic novels, and has continued to read them. One of the honors courses he was looking at that also satisfied humanities involved reading Machiavelli, Dante’s Inferno, and Nietsche. The Classics and Western Culture honors course involve reading the classics in English. (Son read them in their original Latin and Greek, so opted not to take that course, though lots of his friends have taken it and enjoyed it). Seems like Bama has a great English department and fascinating professors, and even though my son was not a fan of English while in high school, he has really enjoyed the exposure he’s gotten to it at Bama.</p>

<p>Also, didn’t there used to be a course that involved Office Space or The Office? Is that course still offered?</p>


<p>yes, but I don’t think that was an English class…I think it was a UH class and discussed things like office dynamics and other relevent “working in the real world” issues. </p>

<p>What is the text for the English class that includes The Wire?</p>

<p>edited to add…just looked up the texts…</p>

<p>Brief Guide to Writing Academic Arguments
Writers Reference Fall 2012</p>

<p>lol…seems like this En 103 class requires the fewest books…some of the others require 4 books.</p>

<p>The greatest TV show of all time… they teach a course on it in some big name schools like Harvard and Duke. I don’t have to take composition but this is very tempting seeing as it’s my favorite thing ever.</p>

<p>There’s an American Studies course on the Twilight Zone. There’s a few people in this household that would love to take that course!</p>