Freshman here- coordinating roomate selection

<p>As the parent of a junior heading to Bama in 2012, why is Ridgecrest South North tower more desirable than the other buildings?</p>

<p>ridgecrest south is the newest dorm. north tower has rooms for honors kids.</p>

<p>the location is good and the parking is underneath.</p>

<p>i think any of the super suites are nicer than most other dorms in the country (except for ones that have also started adding super suite dorms.</p>

<p>at one of my DDs other choices, the newest dorms are from the 70s!</p>

<p>robinrbr - think there are still Honors rooms avail. I know there are still multiple spaces in DS’s and a few of his other friend’s rooms. How late is your pick?</p>

<p>D had 8:00 time slot, so 3rd group for the evening. Based on what people were posting all the rooms in Ridgecrest South North were taken, so she quickly got herself a room on Ridgecrest West and there were plenty to choose from. Then just to check, she looked at R-S-N and behold, there were 2 rooms available with 2 rooms available, so she quickly grabbed one … people must have been switching and moving around I guess. So, she ended up where she wanted in R-S-N first floor. Only strange thing is that although the room stated it was a 4 person suite, there were only 3 rooms in the room A, B, and C. I guess we’re assuming that that means that it may be a triple even though the label on the room stated 4. There was already someone in the room, so my D grabbed one and pulled in her roomy. Done is done … she’s happy!</p>

<p>“As the parent of a junior heading to Bama in 2012, why is Ridgecrest South North tower more desirable than the other buildings?” </p>

<p>I wondered this myself, because the living/dining area in Ridgecrest West is bigger. I can see now that the parking is probably a big draw for a lot of people.</p>

<p>I was wondering how you figure out if there’s a kitchen or laundry on your floor.</p>

<p>my kid was considering switching to ridgecrest west (due to the living area size), but in the end they decided to stay where they were in ridgecrest south.</p>

<p>there are pros and cons to every building, i guess.</p>

<p>To find out if the kitchen or laundry are on your floor, consult the housing website. It usually lists which floors have what. My son, for example, is in Ridgecrest West (and he and his suite mates are staying next year, along with several upperclassmen) and on the second floor, which has laundry and the kitchen.</p>

<p>Rose -
I assume you’ve been down to visit, but we were looking at the map with a different scale in mind. The distance between the three Ridgecrests is really minimal. Unless there is a torrential storm I can’t see getting to parking to be any kind of an issue. Like seriously, maybe an extra minute walk or so.</p>

<p>Yipes! Don’t they <em>have</em> to allocate some honors suites for NMFs? OK, said that wrong. What I mean is: Aren’t NMFs guaranteed a room in an honors suite–somewhere in honors, that is?</p>

<p>I am starting to panic…DS doesn’t get to pick till 3/24. Helllllp!!!</p>

<p>can pull him into an empty spot in DSs RW room today, then he can go in on his pick day in case he finds a room he would rather have. That way he’s covered.</p>

<p>Thank you, AL!! We gratefully accept!! :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Hope it’s not too late–will send you DS’s proxy code.</p>

<p>sent you a PM, housing pick closed 3/10 10pm until the next round - think it should still work…</p>

<p>2 spaces avail in Ridgecrest West if anyone else is getting into a concerned situation. If LadyDi’s DS gets into 1 that leaves 1.</p>

<p>Just returned from an Honor College visit to UA and was assured that there would be rooms available in the Honors Dorms for incoming freshman like my son who are scheduled for room selection on March 24th. I hope there isn’t any miscommunication between the housing admins. and the Honors College admins.</p>

<p>randomparent - don’t worry I know there’s still spots in DS RW honors suite and a couple of other ones. As we found out last year with a LATE room selection time, at first they were full up and we took another spot but as m2cks advised we kept checking back over the week (found the time just after 4pm to be when things became available) and found spots open up.</p>

<p>socal2bama, Thanks. Am I correct that the “other spot” you took was in a non-honors dorm or non-super suite?</p>

<p>Yes, we took a spot in Paty. I had a post-it with DS preferences in order on the computer Lakeside opened first and switched, next day switched over to Riverside W. Don’t know why he put them in that order of preference. He’s been happy and opted to stay put for next year, taking roommates in the luck of the draw. I took care of the switches since 4:00 CT he was still in class here PT.</p>