Freshman here- coordinating roomate selection

<p>no you will not be able to know where in the building the room is.</p>

<p>Good Morning All … I sent an e-mail to UA housing yesterday as I was also following this thread. The answer that I got back from them stated: “When she goes online tomorrow night, it will only show honors dorms and rooms.” So, the proof will be in the pudding, obviously. Thanks also for the posts about which rooms A - D represent which rooms on the diagrams. Since my D will be pulling in another student, she’ll be wanting to get rooms on the same “end” of the Suite in RSN or at least adjacent rooms in the other “long hall” suites. Good luck to everyone tonight!</p>

<p>Good luck, everyone. My advice is to have if-then scenarios/decision trees all worked out on paper before you log on. At times, you may see rooms disappearing before your very eyes. Don’t let paralysis by analysis do you in. </p>

<p>If your best case scenario isn’t immediately available, snag something decent asap, then work on refining your choice. And whatever happens, don’t stress too much. Remember that you’re really choosing between varying degrees of luxury and that it will all work out.</p>

<p>Son is leaning toward attending Bama but has not fully decided. Any downside to going ahead and selecting a room now?</p>

<p>Hey, malanai! That’s the advice I gave my girls, but I called it the “what-if game” They thought I was being a little to OCD. I think they have a plan, so hopefully it all works out!</p>

<p>Thanks, Dad2ILD, for double checking that!</p>

<p>D has the first selection time, so if anyone has any specific questions on availablity, ask me and I’ll check for ya :)</p>

<p>Good luck, everyone!</p>

<p>Wow, that was easy! She just called and got their first choice (Ridgecrest West) for all three of them. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>For those who are interested in RS North Tower, looked like there were only rooms with two spots available. RW had about 6 rooms with 3 or 4 spots available.</p>

<p>Good luck, everyone. RTR!!!</p>

<p>Son got Ridgecrest South (North Tower). He said there were lots of suites to choose from.</p>

<p>D and her future roommate also got Ridgecrest West. For those that wonder if the suites go really fast, they do. We chose at 6 CST and it went from about 10 available 4 person suites to zero in about 4 minutes.</p>

<p>^ Same with us! By 6:00 there were no empty rooms in Ridgecrest South, so we ended up in Riverside West (with no complaints) – I think we got the last four-person suite in Riverside West also, so they definitely do go quickly.</p>

<p>The other two spots in D’s room were filled within 5 minutes.</p>

<p>Yay Ridgecrest West!!</p>

<p>Spots do pop up, though, so keep looking if you need something other than what’s showing up right now. There’s a room with three bedrooms in RW right now, but in a minute it will change.</p>



<p>Ridgecrest West? Woo-hoo, same as my son. Aloha Central, Rose. Congrats to the girls. It’s a great dorm and you can probably dig up the sand volleyball court in the back and build an imu there for the first luau of the football season. :)</p>

<p>[Imu</a> - Hawaiian Underground Oven](<a href=“]Imu”>Imu - Hawaiian Underground Oven)</p>

<p>Reporting in. My son was able to get his pick and he is in Ridgecrest North Tower 3rd floor. Boy, did things move quick. He started out on the second floor but things filled quickly. He was trying to get a 4 bedroom. It was all over in a few short minutes. Now onto Bama Bound stuff. I was wanting to report in sooner but he had the computr tied up skyping with his new roommates. Good luck to all.</p>

<p>Stupid question: Do the other three kids he pulled in even have to log onto housing and verify things or do anything else? I did not think so but they seemed paranoid</p>

<p>^^^Check your MyBama account for an email verifying your dorm choice. All the kids should do that. Then you are all set. D is in Ridgecrest West and thrilled to be going to Bama.<br>
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Yes, it looks like Ridgecrest West will be filled with the Aloha spirit next year!</p>

<p>Good to know they’ll have someone they know close by too :)</p>

<p>You should get an e-mail confirming your housing selection. Also when you log into Mybama and go to housing you can view your housing selection and all the filled suites will show who occupies them. To be extra cautious, you can change your proxy code and keep it private now that selection is over.</p>

<p>Everything worked out great for my son as well. He got online just prior to 6pm, as somebody here recommended, and he got exactly what he wanted within a matter of minutes! Fantastic!</p>

<p>Thanks everybody, for all your help and guidance! :)</p>

<p>If my son doesn’t get to register for a while, does this mean he is out of luck for an honors dorm?</p>

<p>I don’t know how many honors rooms are left for the guys. But right now there are plenty of honors rooms available for the girls in Riverside East and West and Lakeside West. Ridgecrest West is pretty limited, and Ridgecrest South, North Tower has no availability.</p>

<p>For some reason, Ridgecrest South and West seem to be highly popular!</p>

<p>Another Ridgecrest South North Tower resident tonight…2nd floor…son is glad to have made it in.</p>