Freshman housing deposit

<p>How would one go about paying the deposit for housing, specifically riverside? On mybama I get the option to pay the tuition prepayment deposit. Any advice?</p>

<p>This link should help. Have you paid your enrollment deposit? it has to be paid first. You can’t deposit for a particular building. Room/community selection times are determined by when your deposit was paid, but room selection doesn’t happen until the spring.</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>or try looking here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Here’s more information on dates:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Ok, thanks for the links. Everything has been payed. Now my next question is whether or not there is a survey I need to take in order for them to make a proper assessment for potential roommates? The browser closed just as the payment processed and was redirecting me to a new page, but everything went through just fine. I selected suite-style coed which I assume riverside falls under and then traditional coed which I assume burke falls under for my “top 3” interests, correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what you should do other than maybe call Housing. There have been some changes. Ordinarily there wouldn’t be a questionnaire or a place to select your choices. I’m guessing this is because of the changes and the fact that you deposited after January 1. Otherwise, you would have had the option to choose the community, the building, the individual suite, and the exact bedroom for your housing choice and select your suite mates during Housing selection. I remember reading about the potential for Housing to make assignments if you deposited after January 1. I guess this is the result of the changes.</p>

<p>Ok, so by the looks of it, if you apply before January 1st you get to choose your preference. Anything after that there is a 50/50 chance you get to select your room or they do it for you. However, I believe it goes by the date you completed/deposited the housing application. Because I filled mine out ont he 17th I should be fine and be able to choose my preference seeing as how I am only ~2 weeks late. Can anyone confirm this?</p>

<p>See post #11 by UA Housing. It should explain the new guidelines.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This is a repost from the thread:</p>

<p>Hi there!
I’d like to shed a little bit of light on a few of the comments posted in this thread.</p>

<p>Yes, the January 1 deadline is a change to our policy, but hopefully will help us communicate more realistic expectations for our students. What we’ve found over the past couple of years is that students who apply much after January realistically will not find enough space for themselves AND any potential roommates in the same room. Then these students feel misled that they were told they could pick roommates and couldn’t get enough space. This change will help us communicate to students who apply after January 1 that it’s possible that they won’t get the opportunity to pull in a roommate.</p>

<p>But fear not! All is not lost on January 2!!</p>

<p>The housing application will change after the Jan. 1 deadline to allow those student who apply later to give Housing some preferences:

  • there will be up to 3 fields to indicate roommate preferences with name and CWID if you already know who you’d like to live with, but missed the Jan 1. deadline.
  • there will be a place to rank your housing preferences by housing style: Traditional, Apartment, Suite-Style or Honors Housing.</p>

<p>We will NOT automatically place all Honors student into Honors Housing as many of them choose to live in other communities. If your student wants to live in Honors Housing, they will need to select Honors as their first choice housing preference. Please note: Student who apply for housing on January 2 or later do not need to be accepted into Honors prior to applying for Housing. They just need to be admitted to Honors College before we begin freshman room selection later in the spring (I’d say sometime in April).</p>

<p>Hope this helps!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>So does this look right? I selected suite-style coed which I assume riverside falls under and then traditional coed which I assume burke falls under for my “top 3” interests, correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>wait a minute…you’re an incoming freshman and you’ve already selected your housing?! We paid our son’s deposit months ago, but have not gotten to select anything yet. Oh man, hope we have not messed up.</p>

<p>Brownzeba, on what form are you selecting these choices?</p>

<p>Txdoula, not to worry, you are fine. Housing selection last year began April 12. Not sure of the dates for this year but you’ll get an email with that information plenty of time beforehand.</p>

<p>Ok. Now I have a question. I applied and paid on 11/28 for housing for my incoming freshman. But I didn’t see the what type of housing you prefer at that time. I can see it now but I’m afraid if I put in honors housing it’s going to change my son’s application date and that will move him back in the que. How do I find out if that’s the case? He might end up in Blount but if not he would want to be in the honors dorm .</p>

<p>Hi there! Most of the snow has melted, so it’s back to business for me :)</p>

<p>For those of you who applied before Jan. 2: You will not see these preferences, but you will go through online room selection and choose your own space. This will happen in April.</p>

<p>For those who are applying now: Because HRC may be making your assignment for you, we tried to give students the chance to give us a few preferences, i.e. chosen roommates and/or housing style. This information will be used after online room selection when HRC staff begin to make assignments.</p>

<p>Does that help?
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Well actually I paid the fee and his application and contract are complete on 11/28 . But if I go into edit the application it does show the choices along with where he could pull someone in. Is this just because it’s a generic form?</p>

<p>My daughter has not paid her housing deposit yet, since we are visiting again next month to make her final decision. Is she still able to be “pulled in” from someone with an early time? Thank you!!</p>

<p>MichiganGeorgia, there’s no reason to add the preferences to the application. Your student will participate in online room selection and will select his or her own space. HRC will not be making the assignments for those students who applied for housing by Jan. 1.</p>

<p>The preferences are to help us make assignments later that will allow for students to request some things about their assignment. This is mostly so that students are assigned to the housing style (price range) that they and their family can financially support. It also lets us know if students wish to be assigned to Honors Housing, as opposed to other options on campus.</p>

<p>ChristineF, yes. Students receive a proxy code when they apply for housing, no matter when they applied. This code allows another student to pull your student into a space when the earlier student participates in online room selection.</p>