Freshman living w upperclassmen

Does your son have all of his roommates? Your son sounds similar to my son. April 9 is his selection date and hasn’t found similar students on Facebook.</p>

<p>My son’s suite just got a fourth. They are three seniors, all engineering majors, all NMF, very studious, nice boys, no drinking, no drugs, no smoking. I am hoping they do email their fourth and at least introduce themselves. I am assuming it’s a freshman, since that’s the only ones picking right now. I’m staying out of it, though I did send him an email that they did get a fourth and that his email address is available to them. What they do with that is up to them.</p>

<p>Best wishes to all the incoming freshmen on your high school graduation. And now, on to your next chapter! Good luck!</p>

<p>Last year and this, my son (junior) has been the “non-frosh” in his suite and as he has indicated to us he doesn’t use his suite his hang-out place. This leaves his other suite-mates (last year 3 frosh, this 2 frosh, 1 soph) the luxury to enjoy their college experience without feeling their in “his” suite. As he says they aren’t buddies, but they are friendly mates, and he was able to assist them in their early questions.</p>