<p>Re post 118, Political Science IS Animal Science.</p>
<p>Started general, ended up graduating Liberal Arts with a major/minor in History/Political Science!</p>
<p>Here’s my journey in the pursuit of finding a major: physical therapy → sports medicine → photography → journalism → photojournalism (go figure) → English → communications → marketing → food science → nutrition studies → technical/scientific communication. </p>
<p>Phew! </p>
<p>I’ve been leaning towards technical / scientific communication for awhile now, so I’m hoping this is the one!</p>
<p>DD started out as an Arabic Language and Literature major, graduated with an Arabic Language and Literature major (econ minor).</p>
<p>Freshman: Undecided (anything but science)
Graduating: Science (biology)</p>
<p>Started as Romance Languages and Cognition, now I’m Neuroscience. Still a freshman though ahhaha…</p>
<p>A current discussion about kids switching majors reminded me of this thread. Bumping this up again.</p>